
932 60 16

Monday, May 14, 850 at 18:41


You flew to your left as you instinctively let go of your tea cup and put your hands to your ears, stumbling and catching yourself for a small fraction of a second before ultimately falling onto the ground harshly, staring wide-eyed at the bright yellow and orange burst of light that just flashed before you, 'What the fuck was that?!' you thought in a panic. The whole place became filled with steam, and you couldn't see too far ahead of you, only a pair of boots and a face that was so fogged out you couldn't tell who it was -that and only the fact that they were standing up from one of the picnic tables, "What was that?!" "Titan steam?!" "Gimme your hand!" While many shouts cried out, the last one was clearly directed at you, seeing as the figure that you had previously saw was now holding a hand out for you to grab onto, moving their fingers as if to rush you. Responding to the tense -and you swore you heard a small bit of worry for the situation at hand laced in as well- voice, you clasped your own hand onto theirs and pushed your legs to help yourself stand up, "Th-!" ducking your mouth into your elbow, you let out a few strained coughs, due to the steam that didn't sit right in your lungs, "Thanks."

Finally being able to see who helped you, you sent Oluo an appreciative nod as you both looked for what had caused such an explosion, 'It has to be from Eren, but why would he change now?' Cautiously you took your blades out, sticking with Oluo -who had done the same- as you walked forwards to where you believed Eren had been, although you truly couldn't tell what direction you were going in with your obscured vision and disorienting fall. Oluo seemed to naturally follow you, and you weren't sure if it was because you were technically a higher up to him or not, but nonetheless you both stumbled along cautiously until things started to clear up more.

Once the steam had finally dissipated enough for you to see around you, you heard strained grunts coming from Eren, turning around towards the boy and letting out a gasp, you blinked once or twice at the partially formed titan body before putting your blades away, seeing that he didn't seem to be a threat and was just as startled by the situation. Slowly you broke from Oluo, and headed over to Eren to try and make heads and tails of what was happening. You glanced your eyes back over to your squad now that you could see everything properly, and upon seeing that they were all ok -although they were staring in terror at the steaming hot titan body, save for Gunther and Eld who both quickly glanced at you and each other to make sure the three of you were ok- you focused your attention back on Eren, walking towards the shifter once again. You held a calming hand out as if it would suddenly make the poor boy less stressed. "Damnit, why now?!" the boy yelled at no one in particular, except for perhaps himself as he kept desperately tugging at his one hand that seemed to be trapped in the shoulder of a titan, 'That's strange, the whole body's not here, just like those accounts said about that one time Eren transformed to protect him and his friends from a cannon shell, if I recall correctly.' You thought as a generated -and most likely inaccurate- image of the scene played out in your head, given as you weren't actually there for the event that took place right before Humanity took back Trost -and therefore you had never actually seen him transform before.

"Calm down." Levi said warningly, and it was only when you looked to the corporal that you understood who his words were truly directed to, "I'm sorry corporal! I don't know how I trans-" he cut himself off as he looked at the scene before him in utter surprise, there in front of Levi stood his squad, all ready with their blades out to attack at any given moment, 'It clearly wasn't intentional. What caused it then... Could it be that he was stressed about having to turn so he did? The stress of Trost, the stress of protecting his friends from that one bombshell... Maybe? Something seems off about that guess though, but it's the only thing I've got right now!' Quickly seeing that that was only making him more stressed out, you hastily jogged around to the other side of his titan so when you called for his attention he would turn away from the Special Operation Squad and hopefully stop focusing on them, 'I suppose I can't really blame them for being so on guard, the amount of people that they've seen killed by titans like Eren's is through the roof. And honestly, I can't say that I would've acted any different if I hadn't done all of those tests with Hanji, but this isn't helping him!' Stopping at a good angle where you could see his face clearly, you tried to capture the adolescent's attention, "Eren, look at me!"

𝐈𝐋𝐒𝐄'𝐒 𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋.ʜᴀɴᴊɪ ᴢᴏᴇ̈Where stories live. Discover now