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Saturday, June 15th, 850 at 14:41


The girl didn't even get off of her horse before she started calling aloud for his attention, "Levi! Hey, Levi!"

You snickered into your hand while loosely gripping your horse's reins in your opposite hold, clearly seeing that the ravenette was trying his best to ignore the woman as you, Hanji and Moblit approached him and his squad on horseback. It looked as if they were getting ready to practice some kind of training, seeing as all six of them -Eld, Eren, Gunther, Levi, Oluo and Petra- were all congregating around the stalls as Levi was supposedly giving out instructions for what they were going to be doing today. Said man no longer made you anxious every time you saw him, something that took about a week's time to adjust to after he had threatened you with a knife -even if it was underneath someone else's orders.

"Oh, c'mon Levi! Don't ignore me!" Hanji cried out once more, this time close enough to jump off of her horse, seemingly without a care in the world as she garnered the attention of everyone in the nearby area -including you, you having just jumped off of your horse, and after a quick glance back to make sure that she wouldn't run away, you started to walk over to the growing group of soldiers.

"What do you want, four-eyes." Despite his words being phrased like a question, his tone was dry and almost monotone, something you didn't note as uncharacteristic given that he was Levi, "Well, (Y/N) and I need to borrow Eren!"

"Why should I allow this?"

"Because, we need to test out a new method for capturing new testing titans!"

Recognition flashed through the male's stormy hues as he understood the real meaning behind her words, clearly seeing that this was for the fifty-seventh expedition coming up in a little bit, 'Although we could probably use the new technology we invented to capture new testing titans... It'd probably be easier than what we're trying to catch in the forest later on anyways...'

"Tch, with manners like th-"

"Pretty please! We promise we'll take good care of him, won't we (Y/N)?!" she shouted as she kept shifting her weight with an excited look etched on her features, causing a growing smile to form on your lips -one that you strongly wished would go away, given that everyone's attention seemed to be on you in this moment, "Of course! C'mon, you know we'd never let something happen to him, Corp'l Levi." With a faux tip of your imaginary hat, you refrained from calling him humanity's strongest soldier in an attempt of flattery, something you knew he hated being called from your prior years under his service, 'And I don't exactly wanna piss him off right now, maybe later though, as partial revenge for threatening me...' you thought teasingly to yourself, 'Yeah, that sounds nice.' Don't get yourself wrong, you were no longer hesitant to be around the male, but that wasn't to say that didn't hold a grudge over him. And you were going to piss him the hell off.

The short man crossed his arms, letting out a petit sigh as he momentarily narrowed his eyes at your child-like behaviour, "Fine. But like you had to with (Y/N), have him back by dinner time."

"Thank you!" she said, a bright and wide smile to be found dancing on her lips as she turned to the young shifter, "Eren, did you hear that?! Go get ready!"

Eren froze for a mere second as the girl already started running off and back to her horse, and it was only when she jumped up and let out a, "Yahoo!" that he was struck out of his stupor and jogged over to his mare, "Hey (Y/N)," Levi started, not looking to you as he warily watched Hanji, "Make sure shitty glasses doesn't allow Eren to do anything dumb."

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