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Friday, May 3, 850 at 04:56


"(Y/N), wake up! I wanna show you something!" You let out an incomprehensible grumble -one that you yourself were unable to make out- as you tried to pull away from the hands that were shaking you, 'I don't know who that is, but quite honestly, I don't care. I need my sleep.' Hearing a small snort at your reaction, the person only spoke up louder, insisting that you get out of your warm and comfortable bed, and go into the cold and unforgiving night air, 'They must be mental.'

"C'mon, I thought you wanted me to tell you about what I found the other day when we were looking for the animals!" That piqued your curiosity. Slowly, you turned back towards the voice and squinted your eyes open, training them on the familiar face right in front of you who just so happened to be Hanji. Startled at how close she was, your eyes widened and you flinched backwards, rolling your eyes with a slight blush when you heard her giggle at your reaction, "Geez Hanji, there's this thing called personal space..."

"Oh? I've never heard of that before, what is it?" she jested as you playfully glared at her, sitting up on your cot and stretching a little as you otherwise ignored her teasing. Once you heard a few satisfying pops and cracks emit from your back and shoulders, you looked over at the girl expectantly for an answer, "So? What do you wanna show me?"

"It's not in here silly! We need to leave the tent to go see it." Quizzically, you raised a brow, "Hanji, what time even is it?"

"Late enough into the morning to go, now c'mon!" she said, gesturing for you to follow her outside of the tent and into the wilderness outside. Reluctantly, you got up and went with the girl, 'After all, she's going to show me whatever she had to keep a secret before. Who wouldn't want to see it?' You straightened out your jacket a little as you stepped outside of the tent, dodging your head under the flap Hanji held open for you as you saw that it was still dark outside, or more accurately, a little bit before dawn. "We have the whole day off, why do we have to leave so early?"

The brunette led you over to where the horses were being kept, going over to her horse and petting in between its eyes for a moment before turning her gaze back over to you, "Eh, just trust me. It's more fun this way!"

You visibly shrugged your shoulders as you chose not to argue with the girl's words, trusting them because she was the one who knew where you were going after all, "I'm guessing that were going to have to take our horses as well, huh?"

"Yup! It'll be quicker, y'know."

"Yeah, I getcha." you agreed as you put a lead on Chestnut, leading the faithful horse out of his makeshift stable and out in a more open space so you could put a saddle on him. Gently, you told her to stay as you lazily let go of the rope -your tired brain not having thought of getting what you needed, then taking the horse out of the stable- trusting that the mammal would remain put and listen as you went to get a saddle blanket and a saddle.

Once you had retrieved your desired items and started to make your way back over to your horse, you froze on your tracks, "Wait, we're riding bareback?" you said in surprise, not expecting for the section commander -who was on her horse, Bramble, without a saddle- to want to ride bareback.

"I just thought it would be quicker," Hanji admitted while scratching the back of her head, the reins attached to the horse loosely held in her left hand, "You can put yours on Chestnut if you'd like though."

You looked down at your hands, thinking over if you really wanted to go without a saddle or saddle blanket, 'Might as well not bother, it shouldn't be too far, and Hanji clearly wants to hurry.' Shaking your head no, you spoke up as you turned around to put the items back in their rightful place, "No, it's ok. Just gimme a second to put all of this back." You plopped them back where they belonged as you heard the chocolate haired woman quietly -as others might still be asleep, save for the soldiers standing guard around Albert and Chicacchironi's pit- shout back a, "Yup!" You then jogged over to your horse, who hadn't moved at all, and tried to get on it. Your first attempt ended with you almost falling on the ground -as you had failed to get yourself high enough to get on top of the animal. On your second try however, which was accompanied by Hanji's stifled giggles and a playful glare on your part, was a success, causing you to have this winning smirk on your face as Hanji rolled her eyes at your overconfident reaction.

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