『33』The 57th Expedition

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I just want to pop in and remind everyone that a chapter ((Chapter 32)) has been uploaded early since last Wednesday, meaning that if the last time you checked this story was last Wednesday, there's a chapter before this that I recommend you read to clear things up!  ^^

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, June 30, 850 at 05:49


It was as soon as Hanji dropped you off in your room last night that the dread caught up to you. The woman had entered your room to tuck you in for the remainder of the night, waiting patiently in your office as you changed in your bedroom -only after she had insisted a few times. You had wanted to ask her if she just wanted to spend the night over with you -not to do anything particularly naughty, but rather just because you still felt overly giddy after she officially asked you out. In the end though, you chickened out, instead watching the girl leave your room as she shut the door behind her -only after she gave you a kiss on the forehead and a sweet smile, "Sweet dreams, (N/N)." You had probably laid in bed for about an hour, just tracing your (E/C) hues over the paint on the ceiling as you tried to get some form of sleep.

But faces just kept flashing through.

A he, a she, maybe even a few theys -you never knew any of them after all- popping in your head and causing you to suddenly wake whenever the brink of sleep came to you. And while you did feel bad -guilty, really- you always were able to calm yourself back down with the reassurance that it wasn't your fault, or rather that there was simply nothing you could've done. It was solely when that stillness of a complete and utter serenity crept upon you once more that you jolted awake again, the cycle viciously repeating -as it always did the night, sometimes mere hours, before an expedition.

You have grown to be very thankful of coffee due to such nights.

Yet despite it all, you typically found yourself sufficiently energized before going out, and your morning had actually started off as it normally would for any other expedition -that was until you stepped out of your room and looked at the one almost barren table that was to your right once you exited your bedroom. On top of it was a letter, the handwriting on the outside not exactly neat yet easily comprehensible as your bleary eyes -from just waking up- had read the parchment inside.

29th June, 850 

                  Dear (Y/N),

                                    I'm writing this in advance to you in case I can't bring

                  myself to tell you this tomorrow, but I won't be able to see you

                  until after the expedition tomorrow.

                                    I know, I know! Before you yell at me, let me defend 

                  myself.  I can only imagine that the last thing you want to

                  think about is heading out tomorrow, or rather, it should be

                  today by the time you're reading this, and I genuinely don't

                  know if I want to see you possibly be upset because I'll be

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