
896 60 11

Tuesday, May 9th, 850 at 13:59


Day 1, Entry 1 (4th May, 850; 10:31)

This is Day one of four! Today Captain (Y/N) and I (along with my squad) are going to start leaving the titans alone for a little while just to see if they come up with a way to get out of the pit. Currently, we have guards still in Albert and Chicacchironi's view, but after two days we're going to move them back so then the titans can't see any human life whatsoever. It's going to be difficult staying out of their view, but I'll do what I have to to find out more about the titans. We'll probably end up in the tree branches, so then we can see them, but then it's unlikely for them to see us. I should also note that we are going to note down what happens if they do something, meaning that there will be no entries that have nothing happen besides the summaries (if nothing happens that day.)

-Section Commander Hanji Zoë

Day 1, Entry 2 (May 4, 850; 23:59)

Day 1 summary: In the end, nothing much happened. Chica and Albert ended up scratching up at the pit's walls like they usually do. I'm hoping that once the soldiers step back and out of their view, that they'll start doing something, if not before that.

-Captain (Y/N) (L/N)

Day 2, Entry 3 (May 5, 850; 23:58)

Day two summary: nothing much has transpired. The titans kept scratching at the walls once again, but Chicachironi kept on making strange noises. It was a mix between a laugh and a yell, but not quite as loud as someone would think when they think of a yell. Perhaps as loud as a muffled one, but crystal clear and not muffled at all. Albert was as quiet as usual. Section Commander Hanji and Captain (Y/N) were forced to go to sleep by Moblit just now, so they are not currently here to take notes.

-Soldier Abel Müller

day 3, entry 4 (6 may, 850; 06:33)

the soldiers on guard have stepped back and out of sight like instructed by section commander hanji before she left, and the titans are just now starting to get up for the day. im in a tree (as i was instructed, once again) and taking notes, and based on how they arent going to the pits walls, i think that theyre not going to do much. they're not interacting with each other either, theyre just ignoring each other and moving about in there

-soldier harold fischer

this is only a few minutes after my last entry, but albert is sitting down, which is something that he has never done before, besides before night falls. the shorter one, his name is chica-something-or-other but i cant remember how to spell it, is still walking around normally. the section commander and captain will probably be happy to be able to observe titans in their natural habitats when no humans are "present"

-soldier harold fischer

Day 3, Entry 5 (May 6th, 850; 23:59)

Day three summary: As it seems to be with the other days, nothing had happened to indicate that they were going to try and use other things in the pit (namely the boulders that are in there with them). Given the results thus far, I've made the decision to cut the allotted time shorter and try and teach them how to get out of the pit tomorrow.

If they don't learn how to climb out, then we will continue to observe them while leaving them along to see how they act in a more natural environment without humans (we'll stay out of their view, which we've already established is the main sense they use to determine what is a human and is not). If they do learn from us how to get out of the pit, then we'll have more important things to test on, like trying to teach them how to do different things to get out of the pit to test how much a titan can really learn.

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