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𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟐𝟔𝐓𝐇, 𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐀𝐓 𝟏𝟓:𝟐𝟕


  You sighed as you laid down on your cot, trying to get used to not only its physical feel, but also the mental feel of what living here for who knows how long would be like; it wasn't to say that you particularly despised this set-up -no, in fact, you loved it- it was just that it was going to be quite the change from what you were used to. Letting a smile creep its way onto your face, you couldn't help but think, 'I did it. I'm finally in the perfect location to test on them freely and there is no given time limit, I don't think this could have turned out any more perfectly.'

  Putting your hands behind your head, you felt your body fully relax into the cot and shut your eyes, embracing the calmness that overtook you afterwards. It was surprisingly easy to get the titans from their first location to the other, and despite it only being earlier this morning that you, Hanji, Moblit and the rest of Hanji's Squad had brought them over, you already remembered the event like an ancient memory, 'I guess it's just such a big change that my brain doesn't know how to process it or something.' you thought, 'That, or I'm just going insane.' The rest of the day was decided to be spent resting and getting used to the layout and such, as requested by Moblit -even though Hanji was the highest power here, that didn't mean she was in charge; at least not with that caramel-headed soldier around.

  You were the only one in the tent, having it all for yourself until the time came for you and everyone else to leave -if you were going to be honest, you weren't expecting to have gotten your own room, but you weren't going to complain, 'That just means that I have more space for me after all, and that it was worth struggling to put this up.' you winced as the thought passed your mind, recalling how difficult it was to set the whole thing up on your own.

  "(Y/N)! Guess what?!" a certain brunette called out as she suddenly barrelled herself through the entrance of your tent, effectively scaring the ever-loving shit out of you.

  "Gah!" you gasped as you shot upwards with enlarged spheres, "For the love of Sina, Hanji -I think you just gave me a goddamn heart attack." you muttered the last part as you took a deep breath to calm yourself, a hand on your chest before your eyes eventually glanced over to Hanji, "Wait, what's with the pillow and blan-..." you trailed off as you drank in the image, realising what was going on; there stood Hanji, in all of her titan-loving might, donning her typical Survey Corps uniform -complete with her usual grin- and holding a folded up cot of her own that was hidden by a pillow and a blanket, "...-ket."

  What began as a question ended as a sentence as it died on your tongue, leaving Hanji to practically confirm what you already thought.

  "I'm bunking with you!" she said happily, seemingly oblivious to your slight annoyance as she set up her cot -don't get yourself wrong, you didn't have a problem with Hanji bunking with you at all; your annoyance stemmed from the fact that you struggled to set up the tent all by yourself without her help, and then the femme came over here to join you conveniently once it was all set up. You tried your best to brush off your more angry thoughts as you enquired, "What happened? I thought you were getting your own tent?"

  Hanji put down her cover and pillow on her new bed before turning to you while nervously scratching the back of her head with her right hand, "Well, you see, I was supposed to get my own tent, but uh, it might've been left behind, so... we were short a tent. And with my squad having their own bigger tent that serves as a barracks, I was left between bunking with you or Moblit." she paused for a second, before continuing, "Since you and I are probably going to be working a lot together anyways, I figured it was probably the best choice to bunk with you." she explained.

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