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Saturday, June 15th, 850 at 09:34


"So you think our best shot is either one of these?" you asked the section commander at your side, eyes scanning over both blueprints as you tried to find any blearing flaws in them -only to ultimately find none. Tilting your head to see her, you ripped your eyes away from the framework as you listened, "Yup," she said, looking to you and sending you a bright smile, "If we can build these properly, I'm sure we'll be able to stop any titan in their tracks."

The two of you were currently in Hanji's room -as per her insistence- standing at the one table she had kept in her room/office combo since the very first time you had walked into the room that one fateful May night. The woman had freed it of most of its papers, given that the piles stacked upon it seemed to have been piled higher than you ever recalled them being, 'I don't know that I can really say she cleaned up her papers though, all she did was put them on her desk...' you thought, glancing to said wooden furniture as if to confirm what you already knew was true. As your eyes drifted past the piles of papers, they locked on the windowpane behind the girl's desk and the small beads of water that fell on the glass, a soft pitter-patter tapping on the barrier that made today one of the best days for planning and forming the contraption that Erwin had asked you about two weeks ago to build, 'We've already spent all this time on planning, and I think the both of us have just about come up with every single logical way to capture a titan. Now it's just down to these two choices here, and based on what Hanji just said, I'd guess that we're making two prototypes, one of each design, before fully deciding which to bring in about two week's time.'

You zoned back into what was happening, observing the papers once more. The choice you both had to debate over was whether a contraption that shot out spear-like projectiles in bunches from a barrel was the best option, or a giant net with weights and similar -yet significantly smaller but more plentiful- blades. "I certainly hope that they would be, otherwise all this planning would have been for nothing.' you admitted, letting out a small laugh that was met with a matching one from the woman, "Eh, we'll be fine." she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, "We've gone over everything possible, nothing could possibly go wrong."

Shaking your head at her words, you picked up the closest blueprint to you -which just so happened to be what you assumed to be the most difficult to assemble out of the pair, the one endearingly and carefully named 'Barrel-Spear-Thingy.' You almost caught your breath when Hanji leaned closer to you, becoming increasingly aware of how little distance was in between you both until you realized that she was only doing so to read the blueprint better, 'Ah, well... That sucks.'

"Do you wanna start with this one?" you asked, holding the thin sheet closer to her, trying to change your thoughts from the distracting girl to the task at hand, "I can only imagine that this one'll take longer, given that we have to figure out how to make spears project from it."

"Sounds good to me," she started as she pulled away slightly, taking one last good glance at it before heading to her bedroom, "I'll just grab the supplies I have stocked to make a prototype, and if construction goes well, we can try it as soon as the rain clears up." Her voice faded the smallest bit as it became slightly muffled in the other room, 'Wait, she kept all that stuff in her room...? Does she even have any room to sleep?' It was as quickly as the girl had gone into the room that she had left it, full arms and all as she carried a barrel filled with multiple metal parts sticking out of it -including very dangerous spearheads. You started to sweatdrop when you saw her almost trip.

Taking several steps closer to her, you tried grabbing onto part of it to assist the section commander in her side task after dropping the blueprint on the ground gently, "It's ok (Y/N)," she said as she put down the barrel with your help, placing it near the middle of the open space her office provided, "I've got it."

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