『26』Titan Communication

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Saturday, June 1, 850 at 10:32


"Ok! First step, communication!" Hanji exclaimed, taking a slight step forward to the two beasts who were tethered down by various cables, your tired self soon doing the same with a muffled yawn. You, said woman, Moblit and the rest of Hanji's squad were currently in the old spot where Chicacchironi and Albert had first been kept -and before them, Leslie and more. Not much had changed from your memory, but then again, you supposed that there wasn't exactly much to change, 'Honestly I prefer it this way, I don't have to work my mind to remember the layout of a new place.' The only thing that did change however were the titans that were being contained. This time instead of testing on three and nine meter monsters though, you had a four and seven meter pair roped down. The four meter, who you had learned was Sawney, had short blonde hair and sapphire hues, a light complexion and a slightly unproportional head to his body -and while it was slightly smaller, it was nowhere near as bad as you had seen some on others. The seven meter, Bean, had dark brown hair in what you considered a short, strange and misshapen mullet, with hazel orbs to compliment it and a similar skin tone to Sawney's. Unfortunately for Bean, he had to be tied onto the ground -laying down- in order to be fully incapacitated -Bean not being as lucky as the bigger, nine meter titan Albert had been when you brought him here- unlike Sawney who was sitting on the stone floor.

Albert and Chicacchironi hadn't spoken when both you and Hanji tried to speak with them -or communicate with them in any way, really- yet despite the negative results so far, Hanji and you both agreed that it was worth the short amount of time that it took to make the attempts on communication. So, here you both were on this sunny day -trying to get them to speak, write, or any other means of communication to show that they understood you- before leaving for where Levi and the Special Operations Squad were first thing in the morning, 'Very first thing, actually. We might end up leaving late tonight just to get there earlier and go over planning, which is just great for me because I'm already sleep deprived from sorting out and finishing more paperwork last night. Although, I can't deny that I'm looking forward to testing on Eren.'

The brunette looked back at you with a sweet smile, one you couldn't help but feel fit her perfectly despite the small amount of concern that was hidden deep within her cocoa spheres, "You ready? You can step back from this one if you'd like, it's probably not best for you to be getting too close if you're tired." You looked at the smaller titan after sending her your own turn of your lips, giving a small shake of your head in disagreement, "Since when have I ever let sleep deprivation get in the way of testing?"

"Well, there was that one time when you fell asleep while writing down questions like a month or so ago."

You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the small pull at your lips at her response and light blush at the embarrassing memory, "You know what I mean Hanji! I can't believe you remembered that of all things..."

"Of course I would, the only reason we know that titans need sunlight for energy might be because of that." she said, giving you a playful jab to your side with her elbow. You only gave her a pretend glare and let out a small huff at the blow to your side and focused the conversation back to its original topic with your next words, "Either way, I'm perfectly fine to talk to them after you, I promise."

With a wave of your hand to the two titans, you took the smallest of steps back as if to give the girl the space she would need to talk to them and try and receive a verbal response, "If you say so (Y/N)."

Watching as she made her way over to the side of Sawney -in something that you saw akin to a skip- the sitting titan who was watching the both of you very carefully with his ocean eyes. Waving her hand enthusiastically to Sawney, she (re)introduced herself, "Heya, you remember me, don't you Sawney? I'm Hanji Zoë!" Then, you your complete surprise, instead of letting you introduce yourself to the titan after her like you had in the past, she turned herself and gestured her arm out to you with a devious grin, "And this is (Y/N) (L/N), my bestest friend and possibly the best coworker I could ask for!" Ignoring the stab her should-be harmless words gave to your heart -and the sinking feeling it produced in your stomach- you gave an overly cheery smile to the titan, "Hey there Sawney, I hope that you're not too..." you stopped in the middle of your sentence to let out a tiny yawn, shaking your head and slightly shifting your weight from foot to foot slowly to help keep you conscious as you continued to speak to him, meeting your smaller eyes up to his bigger ones, "Sorry about that, I'm a little tired. But nonetheless, I hope you're not too upset about being... y'know... contained."

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