『27』⍰⍰⍰⍰⍰ and ⍰⍰⍰⍰⍰⍰

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Sunday, June 2, 850 at 00:38


"So they don't know what the name of this castle is, Hanji?" you inquired, glancing to the woman with your (E/C) spheres as you slightly jostled on your horse, Chestnut.

At your query the brunette looked over to you, giving a shake of her head as she acknowledged your words, "Nope, it's been abandoned for so long. And to add onto that, there weren't any records of this place either; nothing of who built it, who's lived here before, how long it's been here... Nothing." Scrunching your brows, you looked back at the castle in the distance, now only a good 50 meters away or so. Currently you, Hanji and Moblit were heading over to where Levi and the Special Operations Squad were, despite it being only -as you guessed based on the position of the moon among the stars on this cloud-free night- mere minutes into the day. The trail the three of you were riding on was an overall flat -yet overgrown with a few weeds, which indicated that it hadn't really been used so much as of late- pathway through the forest you all had to traverse through to get to your location, and going back maybe fifty or a hundred years, you could see this once being a busy route, given how wide it was and all of the offshoots sprouting from it. Hanji rode to your left, and despite the space that was open on your right side, Moblit favoured riding behind the both of you, 'Probably to keep a better watch on the both of us, who knows what kind of mess we'll get ourselves dragged into next. That, and he's also leading another horse with our luggage on it.' you reasoned, almost sparing a glance to your hips once you recalled that said creature was carrying your 3DMG, 'It gets annoying from time to time, and I don't need to wear it yet, so why bother? I'll just put it on before testing later.'

"That's strange." you admitted, eyes tracing the outline of the grey fortress that, as you could only guess based on the colour, was made out of some type of stone as you shifted a torch in your non-dominant hand, "Yeah, but hey, it made the perfect place for Erwin to hide Eren, so I suppose that's a plus."

You wordlessly gave the woman a nod of agreement, a slight grin able to be found on your face, 'I'm glad I'll be able to see Levi's squad again so soon, I already kinda miss them. I hope we'll have time tomorrow to talk a little before we leave.' Before you knew it, the dull sound of Chestnut's hooves padding on the dirt floor soon morphed into a more sharp and curt click as your mare started trotting on the stone pathway right outside of the castle's entrance, "That didn't take that long," you noted aloud to the two people you were with as all three of you started to get off of your horses. "No, not at all," Hanji agreed, and Moblit even let out a, "Quicker than I had expected." to add onto the conversation. With your feet now back on the ground, you stretched out your legs a little, seeing that you had just ridden for the past hour or so before turning to Hanji, "Where do we tie them up for the night?" you asked, glancing around, "Is there a stable nearby?"

"To be completely honest with you (Y/N), I'm not sure." she said before letting out a modest chuckle, "Hey uh, Moblit...?"

The male, who had worked with Hanji even longer than you had, only let out a small sigh, "I'm on it, section commander. I'll bring your baggage to the upstairs bedrooms as well."

She gave him a bright smile, "Thank you! As soon as you're done, feel free picking out a vacant room for the night to sleep in."

'The Walls know he deserves it.' you thought to yourself as the caramel headed soldier started leading his horse away first -given that it was the closest to him- to a random direction where he believed the stables were after bringing the one he had to lead with him to you and Hanji's mares, 'I'm sure he'll find it, and if he can't I'm sure he'll come inside and ask Levi or someone else who does know.'

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