The Party

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       3 weeks later I was just laying on my bed playing on my phone when Leon appeared in the doorway, "they're throwing a party for Spooky tonight," he said.
           "Be safe. I won't wait up," I smiled.
        "Nah, you're going too. Spooky wants to meet you."
        "Oh, uhm okay," I nodded.
         "Get ready. We'll leave then," Leon smiled and left the room.
           I jumped into the shower and when I got out I put on a black tank top with a red crop top flannel over it, jeans, with my steel toed boots, applied light makeup, and just left my hair down. When I walked into the living room Leon looked over my outfit and nodded, "it's okay?" I asked.
            "Yeah. You're not showing too much," he smiled. We walked out the door and got into his Black Impala and drove to Cesar's house.
            When we got there a lot of the girls were mean mugging me, "go have fun and I'd anyone says anything just tell them Uno's your brother," he smiled and walked away.
        I spotted Cesar and walked over to him, " hey stranger," I smiled.
       "Hey you," he smiled and handed me a drink.
           A couple hours later Sad Eyes walked over to me, "hey Ryan. Uno wants you."
          "Okay. I'll be right back, Cesar," I smiled and walked away to find Leon.
        I'd been looking for almost 20 minutes when I found him out back talking to some guy I'd never seen before, "you needed me?" I asked.
          "Ryan," Leon smiled pulling me towards him. The man looked me up and down then smirked.
       I looked away from the guy and to Leon, "what'd you need?" I asked.
         "Where you been?" Leon asked.
        "Talking to Cesar," I answered.
           "Well, I told you Spooky wanted to meet you, so let me introduce you. Ryan, this is Spooky. Spooky, my baby sister, Ryan," Leon smiled.
           "I'm your only sister, so you don't have to keep telling people I'm your baby sister. It's nice to meet you, Spooky," I smiled and extended my hand for a handshake. Spooky just shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. When we pulled apart I said, "I'm gonna go find Cesar."
          "Stay. Have a few shots," Spooky said.
       "Yeah, come on Ryan," Leon smiled.
               6 or 7 shots later I got up and went to find Cesar. I found him and we talked a while, "I think I'm ready to go home and crash out," I laughed feeling pretty tipsy.
           Cesar walked with me so I could tell Leon. When we found him he was in the same spot with Spooky, but Sad Eyes and a couple other Santos had joined them.
        "I'm gonna head home," I told Leon.
       "You can't walk alone," Leon said.
      "I'll take her," Spooky said.
      "I'll walk with her," Cesar piped up.
       "I was gonna have Sad Eyes do it," Leon said.
       "I got it," Sad Eyes said.
       While the 3 of them argued on who was going to do what, I nodded to Sad Eyes and then left. I was about half way home when someone grabbed me from behind. I spun around and launched my fist into their face. That's when I realized it was Spooky.
       "Whoops, sorry," I said.
         "It's all good. Usually I'd be pretty pissed, but I had it coming," he chuckled.
      "You did," I laughed.
           "You hit pretty hard," he laughed.
       "Had a few fights down in Texas," I smiled.
       We continued to walk and talk til we got the the house, "thanks for walking me home. Have a good night, Spooky," I smiled.
          "Call me Oscar, not Spooky. Goodnight, Ryan," Oscar smiled.
             I went inside took off my makeup, showered, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

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