Back Where He Belongs

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           A couple days after my birthday Monse had stayed the night with me for a girls night. We were laying down talking when she said, "I found my mom. She lives in Brentwood."
          "Really? That's exciting!" I smiled. We talked more then fell asleep.
           After a few weeks I noticed I was seeing less and less of the gang, not by choice of course. I decided to go to Ruby's to see them. When I got there and knocked Mario answered the door, he looked me up and down then smiled, "hey you," he said.
           "Hey yourself," I laughed.
           "Come on in," he said allowing me inside. I walked in and he gave me a hug.
             "How've you been?" I asked once we pulled apart.
           "Good. Getting ready to be a dad. How've you been?"
           "Congratulations! Good, seeing Spooky now," I smiled.
         "Really? Is that a Santos cross?" He asked shocked.
          "Yeah," I smiled, then I spotted Abuela in the kitchen waving me over, "excuse me, Mario. I think Abuela needs me," I smiled and walked over to her.
          "What are you doing here, mija?" She asked.
            "I came to see Ruby and everyone, but I don't know where they are and no ones answering their phones," I said.
              "They're all at Jamel's," she said.
        "Oh okay," I nodded then left for home.
            I walked back to the house and was in there for all of maybe 10 minutes when a brick came flying through the living room window. I screamed and locked myself in Leon's room grabbing the 9mm I'd found and called Oscar. When he didn't answer I called Sad Eyes.
Sad Eyes: hello?
Ryan: someone just threw a brick through the window!
Sad Eyes: hold on I'm on the way mama!
Ryan: please hurry!
                 *END OF CALL*
            Not even 10 minutes after we hung up Sad Eyes came trough the door, "Ryan!" He yelled.
         I flew from Leon's room and into Sad Eyes arms, "I tried to call Oscar but he didn't answer! I'm so scared!" I practically cried.
           Sad Eyes looked at the brick then pulled out his phone to call Oscar, who answered. Sad Eyes told him what happened. Oscar was at the house in seconds.
            "Are you okay?" He asked me.
         "I'm fine," I said.
            "You can't stay here no more," Oscar said and Sad Eyes nodded in agreement.
            "I'm not leaving!"
             "Where'd you get that?!" Oscar asked pointing to the gun in my waist band.
           "Leon had it. I found it when I was going through his stuff," I said, "who broke my fucking window?" I asked.
           "Has to be the Prophets, it's got green on it," Oscar said. I nodded, but kept quiet, "pack an overnight bag. You're staying at the house tonight," I sighed and packed a bag.
           When we got to Oscar's he made supper, and we all ate. I was cleaning up while Oscar was out back working on his car. I finished the dishes, so I stepped out front to smoke, when Cesar came running up to me, "where's Spooky?" He asked.
          "Round back," I pointed and Cesar took off.
            I could hear Cesar and Oscar talking, so I snuck around the side of the house to see them hugging, "I love you, Mano, but you're finished," Oscar said.
         Cesar pulled from Oscar's grip, "you're such a piece of shit!" He yelled and turned to leave.
           I stepped out in front of Cesar. He saw me and fell into my arms. I held his head to my chest and looked over at Oscar. Oscar just shook his head, "happy birthday, Cesar," Oscar said.
        I hugged Cesar closer to me and whispered, "happy birthday, mijo. I love you."
          Cesar nodded and whispered back, "thank you. I love you too."
             Cesar pulled away from me to leave when Oscar yelled, "Cesar, wait! Go back inside mami,"he told me. I nodded and walked inside.
                  While Oscar and Cesar talked I paced around in the living room. When they came back in we all sat on the couch.
          "He's gotta get outta town. He can't be here anymore with Latrell back. It's not safe," Oscar said.
         I shook my head, "no, he's just a baby. He can't. We can protect him!" I said as my eyes began to water.
        I looked over at Cesar to see his eyes watering also, "Ryan, they busted your window tonight because they thought that's where I was. I'm putting you at risk, and Monse, Ruby, Jamel. I'd never forgive myself if that happened. I have to go. I promise I'll email you or something when I'm safe," he said and pulled me into a tight hug.
           Oscar watched the 2 of us hug, then cleared his throat, we pulled apart, "you can stay the night here. Couldn't he?" I asked Oscar.
             "Yeah," Oscar agreed and Cesar nodded.  Cesar got up and went to his room, as did Oscar and I to Oscar's.
            When I got up the next day for school I saw Cesar and Oscar were both gone. I made toast then got dressed and left for school. The gang were all gone, so the day just drug on and on. When I got home from school I saw Oscar's car in the drive. I walked in and saw the place trashed, "I told you. You couldn't stay here anymore," he sighed.
         I walked around room for room taking in the damage. The living room furniture was smashed. My room was trashed clothes thrown all over the place, the bed broken. I saved Leon's room for last to see it was worse then the others. They'd scratched out Leon's face in our picture together, thrown clothes everyone, cut some of them, cut wires, and destroyed the bed. I dropped to the floor in a mess. Oscar grabbed a hold of me, and sat me in his lap.
         "You're moving in. No more excuses," Oscar said.
        "I'll get an apartment or hotel. I'm not gonna burden you," I said.
           "No, my girl with NOT be living in no apartment or hotel when I have the room in my house," he said.
           "I can't ask you to do that."
        "Not asking, I'm telling. Let's go get you new clothes," he said pulling me up.
           I started to pick up Leon's clothes and my own that weren't trashed, "what're you doing?" He asked.
         "Getting the clothes they didn't destroy," I said. Oscar nodded and helped then we grabbed a few other things and left.
          We went to the store then back to Oscar's. Before we walked in I stopped Oscar, "you need to get a handle on this Prophet shit or I will."
       "I'm taking care of it," he said. I nodded then went inside and crawled in bed.
           The bedroom door opened, I glanced over and saw Cesar standing in the doorway. I jumped up and hugged him crying, "I thought you left!"
          Cesar smiled and shook his head, "Oscar got me in the clear with Chuilio. I'm good to come back home!"
         Oscar walked back to the bedroom. I let go of Cesar and wrapped my arms around Oscar's neck, "you kept him safe. You've done your job," I whispered then kissed the side of his neck. Oscar smiled and kissed me. We all 3 ate supper together.
            The next morning I woke up for my last day of high school. I showered, put on short jean shorts, a black crop tank top, tied one of Oscar's flannels around my waist, put my hair half up half down, slide on black converse, and applied light make up. I walked into the kitchen, kissed the side of Oscar's neck at the table, then Cesar's top of his head.
            Oscar smiled as I danced around the kitchen,"why are you so happy?" He asked.   
           I smiled and sat on his lap, "it's my last day of school," Oscar grinned and kissed me.
            We heard Cesar fake gag then laugh, "come on lover girl before you're late. Later Mano."
           Oscar smiled, kissed me one last time, then patted my thigh to tell me to get up and go.
             Cesar and I walked out the door then I stopped, "wait, I forgot my necklace!" I ran back in, grabbed it, kissed Oscar for the 100th time that morning, then ran out the door.
             The last day flew by. When I walked out to leave the building Oscar was standing by his car waiting for me. All the other Seniors were staring at him. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms kissing him.
           Oscar pulled back and smiled, "damn mami, you're in a really good mood!" 
           I laughed, "I'm done with school. Now, we can spend some of the day together too and not just the nights," I winked.
            Oscar smirked, "I like that idea. How about we start now?" I laughed and Oscar drove  us home. Wasting no time at all once we got home.

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