Kidnapped & A Surpise Visit

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             I decided to walk with the gang to school the next week or so just because. When one morning Monse dropped a bomb shell on all of us, "I'm leaving for boarding school in July."
         The guys didn't react, I gave her a hug, "I'll miss you, but you need to be safe."
          "She'll be back," Jamel said.
          "She's never gone long," Ruby said. Cesar nodded.
          "You guys are all assholes," Monse said and turned to walk away. I rolled my eyes at the 3 boys and turned to catch up with Monse. She kept saying how she was then wasn't going to turn around, finally we both glanced back to see the 3 boys gone, "those dickheads!" She said, then black bags were thrown over our heads and we were taken.
           When the bags got taken off we were faced with a woman sitting in a throne like chair. She smiled then spoke, "i am-"
           "Chulio," Cesar said.
                She nodded her head, then held up the bag of Rollerworld money, "I'll give this all back to you if you do a favor for me."
          "What's that?" I asked.
           "Find Lil' Ricky for me. He was my first love," she said going on making it sound like they were so in love.
           "If we don't?" I asked.
           "I can't. I leave in July," Monse said.
          "Then you better start looking," she said.
           She had us all dropped off where we were picked up. Nobody went to school. Monse went home while the rest of us went to talk to Oscar.
           "She said she was gonna talk to you. I just didn't know when," Oscar said.
            "You couldn't have given us a heads up? She fucking kidnapped us!" I fired off.
          "I didn't know when she was gonna do it. Calm down, mami," he said.
          "Don't calm down mami me. We were missing all day!"
          Oscar sighed, "Lil' Ricky's been dead almost 10 years."
         "Only one way to find out?" I said.
         "What are you getting at woman?" Jamel yelled.
         Oscar glared at Jamel, Cesar smirked, "probably not the woman you want to scream at. Spooky looks like he's gonna kill you," Ruby said. Jamel looked at Oscar and started to shake.
            "People make fake graves all the time, so maybe Lil' Ricky faked his own death. I'll go look," I said.
          "No," Cesar and Oscar both said.
          "I've got to go to work," Cesar said.
          "I've got to watch the twins," Ruby said.
         "I'll take Jamel then," Oscar said.
         "I'll be back. 2 hr tops," Jamel said and him and Ruby left.
           "I didn't know at all she wanted to talk to you. She didn't say anything," Oscar sighed.
            "what will she do if we don't find Lil' Ricky?" I asked.
          "I don't know, but it won't be good," he answered.
       I nodded then my phone rang. I looked down to see it was Monse, so I answered.
Ryan: hello?
Monse: will you come spend the night with me?
Ryan: yeah, let me tell Oscar and I'll be there.
Monse: thank you
Ryan: you're welcome
Monse: bye
Ryan: bye
            *END OF CALL*
            "I'm gonna go stay the night with Monse," I told Oscar.
             "Okay," he nodded. I packed my bag, kissed Oscar, then left.
                When I got to Monse's I knocked. She flew the door open and pulled me inside, "I'm just scared  to be alone," she said.
          I nodded, "that's fine. I'll stay the night."
          "Thank you. I'm gonna go jump in the shower. Make yourself comfortable," she said. I went and sat in her bed.
                 When Monse came out of the bathroom she was wrapped in a towel and on FaceTime with her dad, "I just want to go on the road with you," she told him.
           "You never wanted to before. Who's there?" Monty asked.
          "It's Ryan. She's gonna crash here tonight," Monse answered.
         "Hi Monty!" I said.
         "Hi Ryan. Long time no see," he smiled.
           I caught movement in the corner of my eye and looked at the door way. I caught Monse's attention, "I gotta go dad. Girls night. I love you," then she hung up.
            Chuilio was standing in the doorway, "running away is inevitable. If you try that again something bad will happen. Not to you, but someone you love," she said with a smile on her face.
            "My brother's already dead. Can't lose much else," I said.
         She laughed, "I'll just kill  Spooky or there's always Cesar. Don't think I don't know about you whoring it up with Spooky," she said with a smile.
              "Spooky leads your guys, and Cesar's next in line, you wouldn't," I said.
             "I will though," she said. I grew silent knowing she definitely would. Then she looked at Monse, "and it's be a shame if something happened to poor old dad," she laughed then left.
              "I'll call Oscar," I sighed and Monse nodded getting up to get dressed.
Oscar: hello?
Ryan: Chuilio just left here
Oscar: what?
Ryan: she just threatened Cesar, you and Monty
Oscar: just calm down mami. Try to get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow
Ryan: okay goodnight baby.
Oscar: I love you mami
Ryan: I love you, mi amor
                  *END OF CALL*
             Monse and I laid down and talked small talk and then fell asleep.
           The next morning I got up and seen Monse was gone, so I got up, got dressed, and walked home. When I walked in I seen Oscar at the table. I sat on his lap so I'm straddling his waist and kiss his lips. Oscar smiled and kissed me again.
         Just then Cesar came running through the door, "some guy is posted out front!"
        I jumped off of Oscar's lap, then he jumped up, grabbed his gun, and said, "stay here!" Then darted out the front door.
         Cesar and I both darted outside, but Cesar had me pushed behind him. Oscar jumped off the porch, then lowered the gun, "who is it?" Cesar asked confused.
             "Our dad," Oscar answered.

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