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           My summer break was pretty well over. It was orientation day, but we decided to wait till later to go. I was laying in my bed when I heard someone knock. Leon was with Oscar and the rest of the Santos, so I rolled out of bed and opened the door to see, "Monse!" I smiled.
        "Hey!" She smiled.
          I gave her a hug and we went to Ruby's house. On the way there we seen Ruby's brother, Mario, screaming outside his ex's house, "maybe she's not home," Monse yelled to him.
        "Hey, Monse, you're back," Mario smiled.
       We both walked across the street to him. Monse and Mario were talking. I noticed he just kept looking me up and down, similar to the way Oscar had, "why you staring at me like that?" I asked.
        "Sorry. I've seen you somewhere, I just can't pinpoint where,"Mario said.
           "Santos party?" I asked.
         "No, I remember now, you were the one getting out of Uno's car at Spooky's the other day," he said.
      "Well Uno is her brother," Monse said.
       "Oh cool. Well, I gotta go. Enjoy high school," Mario said to Monse and left.
       We chuckled and continued our walk to Ruby's house. When we got there his mom let us in and we walked to his room.
         When we walked in Ruby was bragging about having his own room, "I'm back," Monse said.
          "Can you and Jamel move this? My back hurts," Ruby said.
        "No. Wait for Cesar to do it," Monse said.
           "Cesar ain't shit," Ruby said.
       "What'd I miss?" I asked.
         "Nothing," Ruby said.
      "Do you notice anything?" Monse asked smiling.
       "You got boobs," Ruby and Jamel said.
      "Braces are gone," I said the same time as the other 2. Monse glared at the boys then nodded at me with a smile.
       "should we go to orientation?" I asked. Everyone nodded and we left Ruby's.
           We were walking when Latrelle, a soon to be Prophet, jumped in front of us, "hands up. Money out," he said.
         "Can't with our hands up," I started off, Jamel and Ruby looked at me horrified.
       "We don't even have money. School hasn't even started yet," Monse said.
        "What about that 20 you got from your mom, Ruby?" Jamel said. Ruby glared at Jamel as he gave Latrelle the money.
         We cut through an alley and see someone getting jumped, "ditch your colors!" Monse said. I wasn't in any colors I had black shorts and a grey shirt on, so I guess really I was wearing Santo colors.
        "Keep your head down," Jamel said.
             Once we were passed Ruby was using his phone to fix his hair, "Jasmine," he said.
        They all started walking faster and then Monse pulled me along as we ran from her.
          When we'd out ran her we stopped running, but Monse was back on the Cesar thing. I wasn't gonna lie, I kinda wanted to know too, "it doesn't matter what was said. Cesar ain't shit," Ruby said.
          "Then I'll ask myself," Monse said and walked out into the road in front of a car.
         "Are you crazy?" A guy yelled.
       Monse walked over to the driver's side. That's when I saw Cesar, so I knew it was Oscar. I looked over at Jamel and Ruby to see them frozen in place. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Monse's side.
          "Couple fine ass lookin Hyenas," Oscar smirked.
        "Underage Hyenas," Monse said.
        "For some. She's not," Oscar smirked pointing at me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
              "Come on, Monse," I said and pulled her away from the car. They drove off.
          We continued to the school. When we got there we had to split apart so I could register in as a new student and sign up for my classes, but after we all met up and go back to Ruby's house to hang out for a while. After a few hours I decided to leave and go back home to get ready for the first day of Senior year. When I got home Leon was still gone, so I fixed some supper and shortly after went to bed.
        The next morning I got up, showered, and put on blue Jean shorts, a black short sleeved shirt, and walked out the door to meet the gang. We were walking when Cesar, Leon, and Oscar pulled up beside us.
              Leon got out of the car, "get in, Ryan," he said.
         "My 2 legs work just fine. I'm good," I argued.
"Get in the car or I'll put you in the car," Leon said.
      I sighed, "I'll meet you guys there," then I got in the car and slide to the middle beside Oscar and Leon got in.
             They dropped us off and we waited for the rest of the gang to get there. While waiting a couple of the football boys walked over, "hey baby, you new here?" One asked.
         "We could always show you a good time," another laughed. I just rolled my eyes.
         "I'd back off if I was you," Cesar said.
         "Calm down, Lil' Spooky. We just wanna chat," the first one said.
         "You should really consider backing off unless you want Santo issues," Cesar said.
         The second mouthed, "must be Spooky's new bitch. I heard he's out."
         "Actually I'm Leon's sister," I said. They instantly froze up and walked away. I looked up at Cesar and asked, "why do you people always do that when I tell them I'm Leon's sister?"
            "She'll belong to spooky before long," one yelled back to us.
         "Everyone knows who the Santos are and what they do. Leon is a scary dude, they call him Uno for a reason," Cesar answered.
          "One shot is all he needs. He never misses, even with a quick draw, he still only needs one."
              "Oh," I nodded. The first bell rang and we spilt. The day went by pretty quick.

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