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           The man walked across the street, "I'm Ray," he said.
         "What do you want?" Oscar asked.
       Ray looked at Oscar, then Cesar, then me, then back to Oscar, "to see my boys."
            "Let's take this inside," I said. Oscar looked over at me, then we went in
          Cesar and Oscar both sat down on the couch. Ray pulled up the kitchen chair, and I sat in the arm of the couch. Oscar started to get a little mean with Ray.
         "Do you maybe wanna hang out?" Cesar asked Ray.
          "Mijo, why don't you go to school so you're not late?" I said.
        "After school?" Cesar asked.
          "I'd love that," Ray smiled.
           "Cool," Cesar smiled and walked out the door, then came right back inside, "almost forgot," he laughed then walked over to me and kissed my cheek, "bye love you. Later Mano."
         "Have a good day, Mano," Oscar said. Once Cesar was gone Oscar asked Ray, "where do you plan on going?"
          "Bakersfield," Ray answered.
         "Where do you plan on staying until then?" Oscar asked.
         "Here at the house," he answered.
          "You'll have to sleep in the couch unless Cesar give up his bed," I said.
         "Who are you?" Ray asked.
          "She's my girl. I claimed her," Oscar said putting his hand on my thigh.
          Ray looked me up and down, his gaze falling to my cross, "she's beautiful, mijo," he smiled causing chills.
           Oscar looked up at me. I smiled, leaned down, and kissed him, then Oscar smiled. I stood up to clean up Oscar's coffee up and get myself some also, "I'm going outside, mami," Oscar said and kissed my neck.
           "Okay, mi amor," I smiled.
                   Once Oscar walked outside Ray walked into the kitchen, "are you really in it for Spooky it just the protection?"
           "Obviously Oscar."
          "How'd you 2 meet?"
           "Uno is my big brother. We met through him when I moved down here."
            "Where is Uno?"
            "Dead. Oscar and the rest of the guys pushed me through school and helped me get back on my feet."
             "You planning a future with him?"
         "Yes, I love him. I don't just wear this cross for show."
         "any kids?"
       "No. Not yet anyway."
        "You think you're really cut out for this life?"
           "I've been living the live even before I got involved with Oscar. My dad was also a Santo."
           "Whose your dad?"
         "Ah, Yes! I remember Leo! Good man! Sorry for your losses! Do you REALLY think raising kids in this life is smart?"
            "Did you? I know as long as I got Oscar by my side there isn't anything we can't do. Why don't you stop hackling me in my own house. I brought your boys back together, I may not be much to you, but by god I'm enough for them!"
             Ray smiled, "why do you call him Oscar and not Spooky?"
         "He told me too. I'm not allowed to call him by his street name," I answered. Ray smiled again and he walked back to the living room, while I finished cleaning.
             When Cesar got home him and Ray left, then came back a while later. I was cleaning up Oscar and I's supper dishes while Cesar was in his room and Ray slept on the couch. That's when I heard Oscar tell Cesar, "getting him a job was a bad idea," then he walked out the front door and to the front couch.
            I walked out and sat beside Oscar and put my hand on his thigh then said, "baby, you need to chill out with making Cesar be the bad guy here. All he's doing is trying to get to know his dad," then I stood up.
        "Mind your own business. You don't know the Ray I know. I had to raise Cesar without having a dad to guide me."
             "You've been doing just fine without him. It's just future practice," I smiled. Oscar hooked his hands behind my legs and pulled me down on his lap and kissed me. I stood up and pulled him into the house and to the bedroom.
            A month of Ray living with us and I couldn't keep up with his mess. Cesar came walking out of his room with trunks and a towel, "where are you going?" Oscar asked.
           "Pool duh," then he breathed in, "What is that smell?" He asked grossed out.
               Oscar looked at my stressed out self and sighed. I spoke up, "it's chicken. You can go AFTER you clean up your dad's mess."
          "We'll go too," Oscar smiled.
          "I don't really wanna go. I don't feel the best," I said.
       "You gonna rest then?" Oscar asked.
           "Of course, baby," I said.
              "Okay," Oscar said. I smiled and we walked back to the bedroom so Oscar could change, and I laid down, "you want me to stay with you?" Oscar asked.
         "No. I'm just gonna sleep anyway. I haven't been sleeping much," I answered.
           "I noticed. Get some sleep. I love you," he said leaning down and kissing me. I pulled him back to me and kissed him again. He smiled then they both left.
             After they'd been gone for a bit, I got up and went to the store to buy a few things for supper and to get a pregnancy test. I was putting up the groceries when Ray came in. He was helping me when he held up the test. I just shrugged, "I'm late," I said.
        Ray nods, "you taken any yet?"  
         "Told Oscar?"
         "No, I'm waiting a couple more days. Could just be a couple days late," I said. Ray nodded and helped me make dinner.
          I got a text from Oscar a while later:
              Oscar: how you feeling mami?
               Ryan: stomach is still turning a tad
            Oscar: you wanna go to the carnival?
         Ryan: no baby I'll save you some supper back for you 2 when you get home😘
            Oscar: thank you mami😍
                      Ray and I ate and I fixed Oscar and Cesar both plates and was cleaning up the rest of the dishes while Ray looked out the window. He looked at me and shook his head, "I hope it's all worth it."
          "It is," I said.
                Oscar came in and pulled me to the side, "'Monse just kissed me. She's drunk and I don't know why she did it. I wanted to tell you," he said. I nodded my head and walked to the door, "Ryan, wait."
           "I'll be back. I wanna make sure they get back to Jasmine's house," I said. Oscar nodded and leaned in for a kiss. I wiped his lips, laughed, and kissed him with a smile. Oscar shook his head at me and left the room.
           I ran and caught up to Monse and Jasmine and we all walked together. When we got there Jasmine walked right inside. Monse stood infront of me, "I have to tell you something."
           "If it involves you kissing my boyfriend, I already know, he told me."
          "How are you not mad at me? How could you still make sure we made it home?"
            "Because I know you're drunk and confused. Just don't let it happen again. You also need to tell Cesar. As for the home safe part, we're still friends. I'd do anything for you," I smiled.
             Monse nods and hugs me, "I'm sorry, Ry."
           I hugged her back, "it's okay," we pulled apart and I made sure Monse made it inside then I walked home.
               When I got back Cesar and Oscar we're standing on the front porch waiting on me. I walked up the steps, hugged Cesar, then kissed Oscar. I went to walk in but Oscar grabbed my hand, "stay," he said. I nodded, "Cesar, I gotta tell you this. When Monse, Jasmine, and I got back from the carnival, Monse kissed me. I instantly pulled back!"
              Cesar nodded, "it's fine. I get it. Ryan, you're not mad?"
         I shook my head, "I already talked to Oscar and Monse," I said. Cesar nodded and we all went inside.
                   The next morning we all got up and ate breakfast together. After Cesar went to hangout with the gang and to discuss the Lil' Ricky issue. I was making more coffee for Oscar, Ray, and I when I had to stop and run to the bathroom. I threw up, and sighed, then went back to the kitchen. Oscar was outside doing a tune up on his car ignoring Ray. I walked out to take them coffee when 19 streeters walked up.
            Oscar was talking to them when Ray started mouthing off. The 19 boys walked away laughing. Oscar spun around and started yelling at Ray, "why don't you mind your own business. The streets aren't the same as they use to be! Things have changed!"
          "Clearly, kissing your brother's girl!" Ray said. Oscar moves closer to Ray's face.
             "Calm down, papi!" I yelled to Oscar. Oscar looked at me, then Ray, sighed and walked over to me. I kissed him and handed him his coffee. Oscar took it, kissed me again and went inside and out the back door.
            Ray walked over to me, "you keep his head level."
          I handed Ray his coffee, "someone had to," I said. Ray smiled, kissed my cheek and walked inside.
           I went inside and started looking for something to have for lunch. Oscar came back inside, "baby, we need to go to the store," I said. Oscar nodded and we left.
            When we got to the store we got the stuff for lunch and supper, then started getting odd and end things, "you need stuff for your period? I noticed you were low," he said.
           "No, haven't had it yet," I said.
          "We'll go ahead and get you some," he said and threw a box of tampons in the basket.
          "Thanks baby," I smiled. We left the store then went home and had lunch.
                Closer to supper time, Cesar was still gone, I popped my head in to ask Ray if he wanted what we were having for supper to see him packing. I walked out to the kitchen while Oscar was on the couch. Ray came out with his bag.
              "I'm gonna just go. I'll call Cesar when I can," Ray said.
           I went to the bedroom so they could talk, but when I heard the front door slam I walked out to the living room then the door to find Oscar. I saw Ray and Oscar hugging, but then Oscar pushed him away, "don't come back!" Oscar yelled.
           Ray looked back at me, "take care of my boys," he said. I nodded, then he left without even looking back.
               Oscar walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. I pulled him into me for a hug. He didn't cry just held on to me tightly. He pulled his head back, "please don't leave me. Don't leave us. Cesar and I both need you."
        I pressed my lips to his, "I'm not going anywhere, mi amor. I need you both more then you'll ever need me," I said. Oscar shook his head no and kissed me again.
            I pulled him inside and we sat on the couch. I pulled his head to my chest and rubbed his back while he sat there.
               After a little while later Cesar came home while I was making supper, "where's dad?" He asked.
            "He left," Oscar answered.
           "This is your fault!" Cesar yelled and shoved Oscar back, then he ran out the door.
          I chased after him, "Cesar, it really wasn't him. Ray left on his own!" I said.
             "You're just making excuses for Spooky!" He yelled and walked away from me.
              I rolled my eyes and went back to the house. When I got there I walked in and went to the bedroom where Oscar was and crawled in bed with him. That's when Oscar started to tear up, "he hates me when it was Ray's own doings!"
              I held on to Oscar, "he doesn't hate you, baby! He's just confused. He doesn't know how he feels," I said and kissed the top of his head. Then we both fell asleep.

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