Helping A Friend

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School had been going for a week now, and I hadn't really seen much of the gang since I'd been focused on homework and trying to get to know Leon more.
I was doing my homework when I got a 9-1-1 text from Monse:
Monse: Meet us at Ruby's!
Ryan: on my way!
I darted out the door and over to Ruby's. When I got there I saw everyone including Cesar there, "Ryan, we need your input on how to get Cesar out of the Santos," Jamel said.
"I didn't even know he was in it to begin with," I said.
"You wouldn't have if Leon didn't tell you," Cesar said.
"Wait, why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked Ruby, Jamel, and Monse.
"Because you're Uno's little sister. We agreed to keep you out of it so you wouldn't tell the plan," Jamel said.
"I gotta go," I said and left.
I was about home when I got a phone call, I pulled out my phone to see it was Cesar.
Ryan: hello?
Cesar: you okay?
Ryan: I'm fine.
Cesar: why'd you leave then?
Ryan: got homework to do. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Cesar: Ry, wait-
Ryan: bye.
*End of Call*
When I got home Leon's car was there, but he wasn't, so I sat on the couch and did my homework. I'd just got my history done when someone knocked, I opened the door to see Cesar. I step aside and he cane in and sat on the couch, "what's really wrong?" He asked.
"I'm hurt that they didn't tell me just because of who my brother is."
"I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Ryan."
"You should probably go before Leon gets back," I sighed.
"Probably," he smiled.
As we stood from the couch, Leon and Oscar walked in. Leon's glare went from me to Cesar, "why's he here?" Leon asked.
"Just to talk. It's been a rough week at school," I answered.
"What happened?" Leon asked.
"Just a few of the football players making comments," I answered.
"Like?" Leon asked.
"Telling me they can show me a good time, made a few other comments," I could tell Oscar and Leon were fuming.
"I'll handle it," Leon growled.
"It's fine. It's not that big of a deal," I said.
"It is. No one is going to say disrespectful shit about or to my sister!" Leon said.
"I agree, it needs to be handled," Oscar said.
"I'll talk to the couch or something," I said.
"I'll handle it tomorrow," Leon said. Oscar nods to Leon, then him and Cesar left.
After they left I cooked supper for Leon and I. Once it was done, we ate in silence. It wasn't until I was washing the dishes he finally said something, "can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?" He asked.
"Of course," I said still washing dishes.
"Why didn't you tell me when it first started happening instead of of waiting until it's built up so much?"
I finished the dishes, turned around drying my hands and said, "because I knew you had Santos shit you were dealing with and I didn't want to add to the plate."
"You're already on my plate. I have to take care of you."
"I can leave if it's too much."
Leon looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in the world and said, "now why the fuck would you do that?"
"I don't want you to feel like you HAVE to take care of me. I don't want to be nor cause any problems."
"You're dumb for even thinking that way! Let me help you," he says and helps me dry and put up the rest of the supper dishes.
Once we'd finished cleaning up, Leon gave me a hug then I went to my room. A few hours later right as I was about to go to bed Leon walked in, "té amo," he said.
"Té amo," I smiled then went to bed.
The next morning Leon himself drove me to school in his car. Once we got there he cornered all the football boys, "good morning boys! I assume you all know me?" Leon smiled.
"Uno," one whispered as the others nodded.
"Good. You all know my sister, Ryan, so let's cut to the chase. If I ever hear the comments again, well, I don't miss. I strongly suggest you punks apologize to my beautiful sister," Leon smiled.
"We're so sorry!"
"Please don't kill us, Uno! Ryan, we're so so sorry!" They all yelled then took off.
Leon turned to me and smiled, "have a good day, mija," then he kissed my forehead and left.
I'd just walked inside when Jamel, Ruby, and Monse cornered me, "maybe Leon left to early," I said.
"Can we leave Uno out of this? That man scares me about as much as Spooky," Jamel said with visible shakes. I just rolled my eyes.
"We need your help," Monse said.
"I'm not helping you. You guys couldn't even trust me enough to tell me about Cesar!" I said.
"We need you to talk to Spooky about letting Cesar out," Ruby begged.
"Hell no! Oscar doesn't have the nickname Spooky for nothing!" I said.
"Will you go with Ruby to talk to Spooky then? Ya know, so he doesn't kill Ruby," Jamel said.
"Fine," I sighed.
The rest of the day carried on as normal, minus the football boys bantering me had stopped after Leon's threat, or more promise. When I got home from school I stayed home all night. Right before bed I got a text from Ruby.
Ruby: we're talking to Spooky in the morning
Ryan: k. Goodnight!
The next morning I got dressed, told Leon bye, and walked out to meet the gang. We all walked passed the Diaz house, that's when we met up with Cesar, "I got to tie my shoe. Ryan keep me company?" Ruby asked fake tying his shoe.
"You guys go ahead," I waved. They nodded and kept walking.
Once they were out of sight we walked through the back gate. That's when Ruby saw the tank of acid. He turned towards me, "nope. Can't do it!"
I was following behind Ruby, when we heard, "sup fools," we both turned around to see a shirtless Oscar. We walked back over as Oscar tipped over 2 boxes for us to sit on while he sat on his crate. Oscar stood up and started looking closely at Ruby's face, "what's with the glitter?" He asked.
"Late night at the club. You know how Hyenas be," Ruby laughed.
"My ruca wears that shit and rubs on me, it takes days for it to come off," Oscar agreed.
Ruby chuckled. I stood beside him and zoned out. I came back in when I heard Ruby coughing. I looked down and saw him smoking.
I took it from his hand, took a drag, then stomped it out, "don't want to smell like smoke all day."
"You know, you're opening my eyes, Holmes," Oscar said to Ruby.
Ruby nodded, "we better go," then he stood and bolted.
I chuckled and started to walk away when Oscar grabbed my arm, stopping me, "You coming to the party Saturday?" He asked.
"No, I'm gonna stay home," I said.
"Got an essay due next week," I said and walked away to find Ruby.
Ruby was waiting a block down for me. I walked up to him and punched him in the arm, "ow! What was that for?" He asked.
"For leaving me!" I said, then we went to school.
That weekend came fast. On Saturday Leon came into my bedroom, "why are you STILL in your PJ's? Get ready, let's go, woman!"
"I'm not going."
"No, go have fun. Be safe. I'll see you when you get home," I smiled.
"Té amo!"
"I love you!"
Leon had been gone a few hours when Monse texted me:
Monse: can I come over?
Ryan: yes.
When a knock sounded I unlocked the door and opened it, but when I did Jamel, Monse, and Ruby busted in, "Rollerworld. Seriously!" Jamel said.
"What about it?" Ruby asked.
"We could use it to buy Cesar out!" Jamel said.
"Shut up about Rollerworld!" Monse yelled then left.
"I got to go. Olivia awaits," Ruby smiled and left.
Jamel threw himself on the couch and huffed loudly, "what's wrong?" I asked.
"Nobody believes me about Rollerworld!" He sighed.
"I do," I smiled.
"Of course."
We sat and talked about Rollerworld a while longer, but a couple hours in Leon came home, kicked Jamel out, and we both went to bed.

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