The Fight

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              The next day I got up and got dressed for school and met the gang out front. When we got to school Jamel and I split off from the others so he could fill me in on what he found out about Rose. Then we saw Cesar who looked horrible.
              "You look like shit," Jamel said.
           "I didn't sleep well last night," Cesar said.
          "You should get a temper pedic pillow. They're great for sleeping," Jamel said.
          "Is it even a pillow issue?" I asked.
              "No. I kissed Olivia last night," Cesar said.
                 "Why would you say that in front of big mouth Jamel?" I asked.
            "You have to tell everyone else, NOW!" Jamel said.
           Cesar  pulled out his phone, "I'll send it to the gang chat."
         "No! You don't deliver news like that, that way!" Jamel said throwing and breaking Cesar's phone, "whoops. Here, I'll lend you my watch. You have maybe 6 hours tops before I break. A timer is set on my phone and synced to the watch. Good luck," Jamel said walking away.
             "I'll try to keep his mouth shut," I said.
          "Thank you," Cesar smiled. I nodded and walked to class.
              At lunch Jamel and I sat together to discuss Rose and so I could keep his mouth shut. Then Ruby walked over to us, "I need your help on my new website. Meet at my house after school."
          "Okay," I smiled.
                On our way to our next class we ran into Cesar, "we're meeting at Ruby's after school. Come over then and drop the bomb," I said.
             "Okay, cool," Cesar smiled.
                   After school we all went to Ruby's to see it wasn't just us, Jasmine, Olivia, and Monse were there too, " let's get started," Ruby said.
            "Shouldn't we wait for Cesar?" Jamel asked.
               "I said no Cesar and you invite him anyway? How rude!" Ruby yelled.
           "He's our friend!" Jamel said. They started to argue and I just sat there and watched the door waiting for Cesar to run through, "we're leaving," Jamel said pulling me off the couch.
                Jamel opened the front door, screamed, and slammed it shut, "why'd you do that?" I asked.
              "Spooky's our there!" Jamel said.
             Ruby started to shake slightly, I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Oscar smiled at me and said, "you seen Cesar? One of the homies got shot."
        "No, is Leon okay?" I asked. Oscar's smile dropped and he turned to walk away.
               Jamel slammed the door, "we're still leaving. Just giving Spooky a head start," then the door busted open and Oscar ran in.
             "This block is on lockdown. Please stay inside," the cops said we all groaned.
             I sat in the middle of the couch with Jasmine on one side of me, "I can't believe we're stuck in here with Spooky!" Jamel yelled. We all turned to look at Jamel. Oscar shook his head and sat on my other side. Jamel wiggled between us, "can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? Tea?" He asked.
           "Personal space?" Oscar said rubbing the side of his head.
            Jamel stood up, moved me closer to Jasmine then sat on the arm of the couch. Ruby walked in, "my parents are stuck and they were on a Cosco run. We have no snacks."
             "No snacks? What?" Jamel flipped.
            "I have an egg salad sandwich, but it's warm," Jasmine said. Jamel took it.
               "Are you really gonna eat that?" I asked.
           "I have too for the greater good," Jamel said and shoved it into his mouth.
          All of a sudden a strong Odor hit, "please, tell me that's the sandwich?" Oscar asked.
            "No, sorry," Jasmine said. Oscar and I cleared the couch.
                Oscar's phone started ringing, "got somewhere I can take this?" Oscar asked Ruby.
             "Bathroom," Ruby said and pointed, Oscar nodded and left the room.
"We should play a board game. It's really hot in here," Jamel said cranking up the window until, then blowing a fuse, so all the power went out.
"Jamel!" I yelled.
Ruby and I grabbed Abuela's candles and lit them sitting them on the table. Monse and Olivia join us, "we should play kill, marry, make love," Ruby said.
"Okay. I'd kill Jasmine, marry Jamel, and make love to Ruby," Monse said.
Olivia went next, "I'd kill Jasmine, make love to Ruby, and marry Monse."
I said, " kill Jasmine, make love to Ruby, and marry Jamel."
"Rude, you're all killing me?" Jasmine asked.
Oscar walked in and leaned against the door frame looking at us all,"wanna play?" Jamel asked.
"Sure, I'd kill you and you," he pointed at Jamel and Ruby," I'd smash you and you," he pointed to Olivia and Monse, when he pointed to Jasmine, she grind in her chair," fine, I'd smash you then kill you."
"What about Ryan?" Jamel asked.
"I'd smash, multiple times," Oscar smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"I don't care as long as nobody kisses Cesar," Olivia laughed.
Then Cesar burst through the door," you kissed Olivia?" Monse yelled.
Ruby got mad and I shook my head," it wasn't me for a change!" Jamel yelled.
"You knew?" Ruby asked.
"So did Ryan!" Jamel defended himself.
Everyone turned to me," you knew too? I thought you were my best friend!" Monse said.
I rolled my eyes,"can't we all be proud of Jamel? He kept a secret for a change? Cesar was coming to tell you to your faces. Is the lockdown over?"
Cesar nodded," you guys are fucked up!" Oscar yelled then stormed out.
Jamel grabbed my arm, "we're still leaving," then pulled me out the door.
I walked Jamel home, then went to my own house. When I got there it was empty. I guessed they stuck together after someone got shot, so I sat on the couch and started my homework. I'd been sitting there for about an hour when someone knocked. I opened the door to see Sad Eyes, "what's wrong? Where's Leon?" I asked.
Sad Eyes nodded to his car," I'm gonna take you to him," I threw on my boots and ran to the car.
When we got to the hospital I ran inside and to his room. A nurse walked in, "sweetie, I need your name and relation?"
"My name is Ryan, I'm his little sister."
The nurse nodded and then left the room, but then a doctor came in," Ryan?" He asked.
"Yes? How is he?"
"Leon probably won't make it through the night. Where he was shot we can't do anything to treat him. Honestly, it's a miracle he's held on this long. I'll leave you to him," he said.
I nodded and once he left started to cry. I sat beside Leon and held his hand. I felt him tighten his grip then let go. He did it every couple minutes to make sure I was still there. I leaned down after 2 hours had passed and kissed his hand, "I love you, Mano. I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again, but here I am, living with you. I need you to get better so I'm not left alone. I don't have anyone else, I don't want anyone else. I need my big brother. I need you to take care of me, to look after me. You have to stay with me. I'm gonna graduate, you gotta be there for that. I wanna make you proud, please, please don't leave me," I begged and started to cry again.
I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Sad Eyes, Cesar, and Oscar. I stood up and Cesar pulled me into a hug, then Sad Eyes, then Oscar," what'd the doctor say?" Cesar asked.
"He's not gonna make it through the night," I answered.
"You should go home. Sad Eyes can take you and stay. We'll call you with updates," Oscar said.
"I'm not leaving him," I said and sat back down.
They all 3 stayed with me and at about 0130 that next morning, Leon passed away with one last squeeze to my hand. I had Sad Eyes drop me off back at the house. I went in and cried myself to sleep.
The next morning I got up and went to school like nothing happened. The day was going fast, at lunch the gang got into it, but I just toned them out until I heard Cesar say, "Ryan just lost her brother last night and instead of us being there for our friend, we're all to busy being stuck in this bullshit!" He yelled then stormed off.
I started to tear up as everyone looked at me shocked, "why didn't you tell us?" Ruby asked
"Because you guys are mad at me," I said. Ruby stood up and hugged me, then Jamel, Monse, and lastly Olivia. I brushed them off of me and left the table.
When I got home from school Oscar's car was parked in the driveway. I walked in and he was sitting on the couch, "why're you here?" I asked.
"You need to pack your stuff. You're not staying here alone," he said.
"I'm a big girl. I can live alone. I'm not just gonna move out. The house is paid off, so I'll be fine. I'm gonna find me an after school job to pay bills and buy food."
"No need for a job. I'm gonna make sure you're taken care of, we all will. We owe that to Uno," then Oscar left. I locked the door, went to Leon's room, crawled into his bed, and cried myself to sleep.
The next day at school Jamel was talking about the game, "I have to talk to couch about letting me fake being on the team," later that day he walked up to me, "You gonna come to the game?"
"You playing?" I asked.
"Yes," he said.
"Then I'll be there," I smiled.
The next day was game day. Ruby, Monse, Olivia, Cesar and I all went to watch the game together for Jamel. We all sat together going Monse, Olivia, Ruby, Cesar, then me. Cesar had his arm around me making sure I was okay, then we all stood up. We sat back down and Ruby started being hateful to Cesar, so when we all stood back up, Cesar swapped Olivia and Ruby's places.
"Everyone behind the stands!" Monse said loudly.
They all stood but me, "You coming?" Cesar asked.
"Nope, not my issue," I said.
"Okay," he said kissing my forehead then followed the others.
I was watching the game when my phone vibrated. I looked down and saw a text message from Oscar.
Oscar: come up here and sit with us.
I looked back up to him, stood up, and walked up to sit with Oscar, Sad Eyes, Joker, and Oso. They all gave me a hug, "How you been?" Sad Eyes asked.
"I'm fine," I said and continued to watch the game.
Jamel was actually put in and got the winning touchdown. I jumped up and yelled, "go Jamel!" I looked back down and saw the 4 Santos grinning at me.
"You want a ride home?" Oscar asked.
"Sure. Thanks," I said.
We was walking to his car passed the locker room," wait here. I'll be right back," Oscar said.
"Okay," I said and waited by the door.
While Oscar was inside a couple of the football boys walked out and one said,"your brothers dead less then 48 hours and you're already sleeping with Spooky? Who's next? Sad Eyes?" The others laughed.
I was about to come unglued when I heard Oscar speak, "just because Uno isn't here doesn't mean I won't kick your asses for harassing her!" The football boys all looked at Oscar then fled. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from him, "why are you going that way? I parked over here!" Oscar called out.
I stopped walking, turned around then said, "I'll just walk home. You didn't even bother to clear up that we're not sleeping together!"
I heard Oscar sigh and he walked over to me, "go get in the car, Ry. It isn't anyone's business if we're sleeping together or not. We're having a party for Uno, come drink."
"Fine, but I have to go home first," I said.
"Okay," he nodded and we walked back to his car.
Oscar dropped me off at the house then left. I went inside, took a shower, slide on one of Leon's shirts, then sat on the couch and started doing homework. About 4 hours later someone knocked. I opened the door to see Sad Eyes.
           He looked me up and down, licked his lips, then said, "Spooky sent me over to get you."
          "I'm not going."
       "I don't feel like partying with people that aren't my friends, and I really just want to be left alone."
          "That's his shirt."
         I nodded, "have a nice night, Sad Eyes, be safe," then I closed the door.I sat back down on the couch and was still doing homework.
               A couple more hours passed and I was watching a movie eating M&M's when another knock came. I opened the door to see Oscar, "what can I do for you, Spooky?" I asked.
           "Stop calling me Spooky. I brought over a bottle and a blunt so if you wanted to have some shots and smoke with me for Leon."
        I took the bottle from Oscar's hand, threw it back, taking a couple big gulps, handed it back to Oscar, then shut the door. Oscar came flying threw the door, "You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself!" He screamed.
        I yelled back, "if he wasn't involved with the stupid gang he never wouldn't been shot. That's on our mom and dad just as much as it's on him and you. He'd be here with me right now, we'd be happy. I wouldn't feel like my whole life was just ripped from me. My brother will never get to watch me graduate, never see my prom, I would be normal. I wouldn't be so jumpy or scared that someone is gonna gun for me. It's hard being the little sister or Uno, now I know why Cesar has such a hard time making any other friends, him being Lil' Spooky and all!" Oscar just glared at me, but I kept on going, "then you just walking into my life all half cocked and acting like you own this bitch, just isn't going to work. I'm NOT owned. I'm not some Santo pussy that's gonna be passed around now that Leon's gone! Keep your fucking money, I don't need this bullshit!" I yelled in Oscar's face.
          Oscar clamped his jaws together tight enough I could see his muscles flex then he moved so he was closer to my face and said, "nobody's gonna hit that pussy, but me. You won't be passed around like the other girls, because I won't allow that to happen. You may not belong to them, but you were claimed by me, that was even cleared by Uno, don't attack me. I'm the one who wants you, I own you."
          I held my ground, "you don't own me. No man does, no man will. I don't want to be claimed by you, and you ain't getting this."
        Oscar slammed me into the wall, nonviolently, and said, "I do own you. I won't unclaim you. Nobody will ever even think about making a move as long as I've got you claimed. I'll see you tomorrow," he said then left the house.
      I locked the door and crawled into Leon's bed to sleep.

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