The News

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                   The next day Oscar sat down with the 19 streeters, but I went to the doctor. I found out I was about 4 months along and it was a boy. When I got back the 19 streeters were leaving, "it's not gonna work," Cesar said.
           "Doesn't matter. I'm done. I wanna marry my girl, have some kids, die old. I learned great power comes from here," Oscar said pointing to his head, "I learned that from you."
            Cesar shook his head and Sad Eyes smiled then left, "let's order pizza. I got news," I smiled.
              We ordered pizza. Once we started eating I pulled out the sonogram and handed it to Oscar. Oscar spit out the bite he had in his mouth then looked at me shocked, "it's a boy," I smiled. Oscar hugged me tight, Cesar smiled then hugged me too.
              The next day we had an all Santos BBQ, that's when Oscar told them, "before we start eating, I have something, well we, have something we want to share. Ryan and I are expecting a baby boy!" Oscar smiled.
            "Whoop!" Sad Eyes shouted, and everyone else cheered.
           "Also, I'm stepping down and out of the Santos. Before anyone says anything, Ryan is not the reason, well she is, but she's not pushing me, she didn't even know. I'm doing it for her and our son!" He smiled. Everyone nodded, and we all enjoyed the BBQ.
                    Oscar found himself a job and started working, as did I the best I could anyway with a growing bump. July came and Monse was getting ready to leave, "don't forget us," I said hugging her.
            "I promise," she said. Everyone else hugged her then she left.
                After she'd been gone Cesar started to get more involved with the Santos. I tried to talk him out of it, "mind your own business," he kept saying to me, so I just left it alone. The Santos started to follow behind Cesar now. Oscar and I bought a house in Brentwood and that's where we went.

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