Cleaning the Money

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          All of us, minus Cesar, was looking at the money, "some of these bills look different," Monse said.
          "Well the money is pretty old," I said.
           "How are we gonna take care of this problem?" Jame asked.
             "Maybe you should start a money business to clean the cash," Abuela said.
           "That would work," I said.
        "Why don't you just use money bunny?" Jasmine asked.
                "You have to be 18 to wire money like that," I answered.
          Ruby and Monse looked at each other then looked at me, "your birthday is next week," Ruby said.
          "I plan to spend it mopping around my own house in peace not cleaning money," I said rolling my eyes.
         "It's YOUR boyfriend's fault we even had to find the money," Jamel said. Everyone looked over at me. I smacked Jamel in the back of the head, "ow!" He yelled.
           "You and Spooky?" Jasmine asked, I nodded.
             Monse threw her hands up in the air, "so you sleep with my boyfriend's brother, the one who kicked him out of his own house might I add!"
          "I've tried talking to Oscar about it and remember who gave YOUR boyfriend a place to live for almost 2 months!" I yelled. Monse grew quiet and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I sighed, "fine, I'll help clean the money, but after my birthday," I said.
           "Jasmine, do you know where we can get fake I.D.'s?" Ruby asked.
          "Of course," she smiled.
                Jasmine took us to her guy only for it to be Chivo, "the only way I'll help is under one condition,"  Chivo said.
         "What is it?" I asked.
           Jamel got stuck with some crazy name, while everyone else got normal names. While we were there I got a text message from Oscar.
            Oscar: I miss you🙁
           Ryan: I miss you too!🥺
           Oscar: come over?
           Ryan: after I help Monse with her homework.
               They all got their I.D.'s and we left. We waited a couple days then tested it out. Jamel acted like he was sending child support and Monse went to another and picked it up.
                The day of my birthday, I got up a tad earlier, showered, and then put on ripped black shorts, a grey crop top, a red flannel of Leon's tied round my waist, made my hair wavy and left it down, applied light makeup, and slide on combat boots. I walked into the kitchen to see black roses on the table and breakfast. I walked over to the flowers and saw they were from Cesar, Monse, Ruby, Jamel, and even Jasmine. They left a card that read:
              "Happy 18th birthday! We love you! Enjoy breakfast see you at school!❤️"
              I smiled, ate breakfast, and walked out the front door. I turned around to lock the deadbolt, when I was lifted up off the ground. I screamed and kicked around. I was put down and spun around to see Oscar, "what the hell are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?" I flipped out.
           "I came to see you. Happy birthday mamas," he smiled and kissed me.
               Oscar drove me to school that morning and before I could get out he handed me a small box, "open it," he smiled.
          I opened the box to see a Santos cross with 'Spooky' engraved on it. I smiled and put it over my head, "I love it!"
            "Good. Now have a good day, baby. I love you," Oscar smiled.
          "I love you," I kissed him then got out of the car to see everyone staring at me. I blew it off and went inside to find the gang.
           I walked towards my locker to see them hanging up balloons. I ran up behind Jamel and grabbed a hold of him, scaring him. He screamed, "happy birthday!" Ruby said and hugged me.
            Monse smiled and hugged me, "happy 18th!"
           Jamel composed himself and hugged me, "happy birthday, partner!"
        Cesar was last, "happy birthday, Spooky's babe," then he hugged me.
           "Thank you guys for the flowers and breakfast, even the locker," I smiled.
           "what's this?" Ruby asked grabbing my cross.
           "Oscar gave it to me. Why?" I asked.
           "That's a Santos cross. Santos give it to their girls, and not temporary ones either. Oscar really does love you. Everyone see it?" Cesar smiled.
                "Yeah, but I don't think that was the point," I said.
              "It wasn't, but it just means nobody's ever gonna mess with you. Everyone knows what a Santos cross means," Cesar said.
          "Nobody messed with her after they found out she was Uno's little sister. Her being with Spooky just means she's got extra protection," Ruby said. I smiled and we all parted to go to class.
                The day went by fast and I met up with the gang, minus Cesar, to see how much money we had left to clean. We saw it was only $100, "we should send it out like it's birthday money for a cousin,"Jamel smiled and everyone agreed.
         Jamel and Ruby sent the money out and Monse and I went to another location to collect. Finally all the money was clean and Cesar could split outta town.
             That weekend Oscar threw me a big birthday party, and by the end of the night we'd had plenty of fun ourselves!

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