Chapter 4~A New Brother

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~Sonic's PoV~

   I blink open my eyes and carefully push myself up to a sitting position. Instead of the semi-pitch black darkness of the Robotisizer, I was sitting in a fern-covered clearing. Tall, vine-covered trees surround the clearing, there are bushes, ferns, and flowers in every color imaginable. Somehow, someway, I've been transported to a jungle. And its no hallucination or illusion.

   I get to my feet and begin walking, not wanting to miss any clues that could tell me where I was or where my siblings were. I hoped they weren't still with Robuttnik.

   "Manic! Sonia! Ambrosia! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!" I call out walking along a semi-muddy track. A few hours later, the shadows begin to lengthen and I realize it'll be dark soon.

   Spotting a tree with massive roots sticking up, I jog over to it. After settling down on the damp moss between two roots that hide me from view of anyone traveling down the trail, I check myself over for any possible injuries. Other than being lost and separated from my sibs, I'm completely fine, not even a bruise.

   I curl up into a ball, and fall into a restless sleep, my dreams filled of every wrong situation my subs could be in.

   The next morning, after sipping some water from a leaf, I start off down the trail again, hoping for a wide open space so I run, and looking for a way out of the jungle. Around noon, however, I hear crying.

   Following the noise, I soon spot a filthy, beaten-up fox kit hiding in a rotten, hollowed-out stump. I can't even tell what color he is. But what I find extra special about him were his two tails? Kneeling down to his level so he doesn't see me as threatening, I approach him.

   "Hey there, lil' buddy. You OK?" I ask, holding one of my hands out to him, in an attempt to coax him out of his little shelter.

   "Why do you care?" He replies, timidly creeping out of the stump.

   "Well, I heard you crying. When people hear crying, you see what's wrong with them." I explain to the little guy, perplexed. As soon as he's in the sunlight, I see just how bad his condition is.

   His fur, which I guess is somewhere in the orange area of the color spectrum, is thin, ragged and shabby. Many old and new cuts and bruises cover him. I can see every one of his ribs and worse of all, someone had shaved 'freak' into the fur of his back, chest, and forehead. And he only looked to be six years old!

   "Who's been bullying you?" I ask, slightly upset. How dare anyone treat this innocent little kit! And over an extra tail no less!

   He timidly looks at me and gives me a tiny nod.

   "My name's Miles. Miles Prower. I've been bullied because of my tails ever since I could remember. Two months ago, my mother died of leukemia. I think that's what the doctor said. A month later, Daddy threw me put here saying; 'It's your fault my wife's dead! You're not my son! You're nothing but a two-tailed, mutant freak!'." He told me, bursting into tears.

   I was stunned. What kind of a father abandons his son, blaming him for sonething he doesn't even understand? I knew what I needed to do. Sonia and Manic would do the same thing, and my mother would be sympathetic of him as well.

  Giving him a hug, I scoop Miles up into my arms and begin walking, waiting for him to calm down a bit. After he stops crying, he looks around, confused.

   "Where are we going?" Miles asked, a small tremor in his voice. "Also, I don't know your name."

   "The name's Sonic." I reply, setting him down, so he can walk next to me. "Sonic the Hedgehog. C'mon, Tails, we're gonna find a place to stay, far away from your bullies and your mean father." The nickname wasn't really supposed to come out, when he heard it, Miles' face lit up like a spotlight.

   "Tails... Tails! I like that! From now on people will call me Tails!" The newly-named Tails exclaimed, spinning his namesakes so quickly that he lifted himself of the ground. "Sonic! Look what they can do!"

   I give him a smile. I made the right decision then. I made a homeless fox kit very happy and now I have some company. My sibs are gonna love him. Now, I only need to find them.

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