Chapter 6~Back on Mobius

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~Manic's PoV~

   It's now been seven years since the incident. When the Freedom Fighter had been forced to fall back, Cyrus the lion had hoped that the diversion had worked.

   Until the moment he entered our van/home and saw only Sonia and me, out cold on the floor, tears trails on our muzzles.

   He apparently drove our van to the main base along the transports. When we woke up, we told him what had taken place. Hugging us, he told is that we would never give up. If anyone heard anything they were to tell HQ. And if they ever spotted them they were to apprehend them until we found a way to reverse it. They became a rallying point.

   We wear our medallions, but we haven't summoned our instruments in seven years. The memory of losing our sibs is still too fresh, it felt wrong to play them when our beloved brother and sister couldn't.

   We've even given up searching for Mom. I mean, if we found her, how would we tell here that two of our siblings were murdered by Robotnik?

   I've actually adopted a few of Sonic's poses and catchphrases. I even enjoy those chili dogs he liked so much. Sonia's less persnickety about her appearance now. She no longer keeps her quills curly, still takes 30 minutes to brush them. She has restricted herself to eye shadow only, and has even adopted some of Ambrosia's choices when it comes to appearance.

   But, that was seven years ago. The Resistance has all but been wiped out. Only Mindy LaTour; her father, Mr. LaTour; Cyrus the Lion; Sonia and I remain as the only Freedom Fighters left. Of course, the Oracle is fine and hopefully our mother.

   Sonia and I were in the van, sitting and waiting for Cyrus to return with supplies. Suddenly, a familiar, glowing green mist began to appear in front of us. As we look on, the Oracle of Delphius materializes.

  "Manic. Sonia. I bring with me great hope. Your brother and sister are alive, only on a separate world." he said, revealing an oh-so-familiar blue blur.

   "Take us there! Please!" Sonia pleads, leaping up from where she was sitting, her first smile in seven years plastered across her face.

   "Very well then, young hedgehogs. I shall wait here for your friends' return and tell them where you went." He said, creating a portal that led to a blue & green planet.

   "Thank you. Thank you so much Oracle!" I say, then charge through the portal after my sibling.

   'Sonic, Ambrosia. Don't worry. We'll see each other soon.' I think.

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