Meeting the Forms

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~Sonic's PoV~

   *Zeze and I will take out the trash-bot.* Her communicator displayed as Zero blushed deep red at the nickname. *You take care of your metal copies.* I nod and strum my guitar's strings, causing lasers to fire out of my guitar.

   I smirk as Metal Sonic crashes down to the ground, short-circuiting. Ambrosia has actually enchanted hers into being her friend(her guitar can fire energy beams that either destroy bots or alters its programming, switching it to her side; however the latter ability makes for a longer cool down between songs and battles). Tails is throwing his dj discs like discusses, making weakness in the Egg-Hydra for Zero and Krystal to attack. Shadow, Silver, Luna, and Blaze are handling Metal Mephilies pretty well. Manic has trapped Metal Manic in a rocky container and I watch as he jumps off his hoverboard into the chamber, curling into a ball and, judging by the sounds inside launching off the walls to hit his metal copy. Sonia's already destroyed hers and is now helping with Metal Tails.

    Seeing an opening, I charge up a spin dash and fly straight at the Egg-Hydra. I land on the hill opposite the others as it blows up with Eggman still inside. I turn my head and smirk at them, doing a thumbs-up pose as the smoke clears.

   "Hey. What are those?" Sonia asks, pointing at the wreckage of the Egg-Hydra. I follow her finger and see seven familiar glows. Smirking, I zoom down, scoop up the emeralds and hand them to Knuckles.

   "These are the real Chaos Emeralds, babe." Knuckles begins, tucking them somewhere hidden. "I was mistaken when we first met. The emerald on Angel Island is known as the Master Emerald, home to the being known as Chaos and Tikal the Echidna." Suddenly, he bows down on one knee as our mother approaches us; pride, satisfaction, hope and relief in your eyes.

   "Judging by the demonstration of courage you guys just showed here; I do believe it's finally time to kick Dr. Robotnik off our throne." She declared as Manic cleared his throught.

   "Pretty sure you mean, Robuttnik, Ma." He snarked, and we all chuckled. As mom was gathering energy to form the portal back home, I had an idea. I turn to Vanilla, Cream, Rouge, Zero and Krystal.

   "You're welcome to come along if you want to." I offer them. They all look at each other and nod.

   Suddenly, I felt a tingling feeling formed in my head and a bright flash of light surrounded me. When it faded, a hedgehog whose quills were shifting colors so fast it could give you a seizure; two golden hedgehogs, one with normal red eyes and the other with spiral red eyes; a 6 foot-tall dog-like form; a jet black hedgehog with pupil-less white eyes and cloaked in dark fog; a hedgehog clad in glowing golden armor; a blue hedgehog with solid black eyes with red dots, not to mention the old bloodstains spattered across his fur and quills; and a purple hedgehog with parallel white stripes on its head as well as rings on its wrists and ankles were beside me.

   "Sonic? What are these?" My sibs asked as Tails clung to my leg, trembling in fright from a certain red-eyed, bloody form.

   "We're Sonic's special forms. I'm known as Hyper, I activate when Sonic uses the Super Emeralds, which are basically upgraded Chaos Emeralds." The color-changing one said quickly, zipping around shaking my friend's and family's hands, as fast as a cheetah on a sugar rush and drunk on caffine at the same time I might add, as the nicer-looking gold hedgehog facepalmed.

   "I'm Sonic's Super form." He said, floating a few inches above the grass. "I activate when Sonic uses the seven Chaos Emeralds' positive energy. Dark here," He gestures to the black, fog cloaked hedge beside him. "Is my twin. He appears when Sonic snaps, or when negative Chaos energy is absorbed into him during my appearance."

   "Sonic... What does Super mean by, snapped?" Tails asked me, still hiding behind my leg.

   "It's only happened once. Three words: Metarex, Chris, Cosmo." I said, flinching at the unwanted image of the human boy Chris unconscious and a crying Cosmo in a cage on the Metarex's command bridge.

   "Anyways, my fellow knights, I'm known as Excalibur." The golden armored hedgehog said. "I assisted this young knave in his quest to save the 'Tales of King Arthur' dimension."

   "I told you to stop calling me knave." I mutter under my breath. I hear a blood-curdling scream and look up. EXE had teleported into Ambrosia's face, scaring her half to death.

   "Do YoU wAnT tO pLaY?" He asked and I sigh exasperatedly. I snap my fingers and he warps back to my side.

   "EXE... Don't make me regret calling you out." I threaten. "What have we talked about?"

   "No ScArInG yOuR fRiEnDs UnLeSs It'S hAlLoWeEn..." He muttered, his head hanging.

   "Exactly, now... I'll think about letting back out when we get to Mobius. For now, however... two words. Time. Out." I tell him and he jerks his head up to look at me. A bright flash surrounds him and he's gone

   "S... sonic? W... w... who was that?" Rouge asked, a look of terror on her face. Everyone else, except for Cream and Vanilla who had gone to pack our things for us, had the look on their faces. Tails and Knuckles shudder while I just whimper and curl into a trembling ball.

   "my fault... all my fault." I whimper. At this the others gasp and Tails begins hesitantly stroking my quills.

   "No. No it wasn't. Knuckles and I forgave you the instant we realized what was really happening." Tails attempted to comfort me.

   "But I nearly killed you, little buddy..." I said and everyone inhaled sharply.

   "Sonic, honey, what happened?" Mom asked. I took a deep breath and slightly unfurled so everyone could see my haunted face.

   "Ten months ago..." I start. "I was on my typical run, I stop to relax under one of Green Hills' palm trees when, the next thing I know, I have no control over myself. A prisoner, in my own body." My sibs gasp and I find it hard to continue. Knuckles and Tails take over for me.

   "After the demon that was possesing Sonic nearly killed us, we reluctantly truced with Eggman, seeing as he was the only one who could control Metal Sonic, the one thing that stood a chance against him." Tails said, still embracing my semi-stiff quills.

   "The plan was to use the Master Emerald's positive energy to force the demon out of him. There was a 65% chamce we could've lost Sonic, but we had no other choice other than letting our best friend kill us." Knuckles finished. "It aparently worked somewhat, the roles are reversed now I assume?" I nod in silent reply.

   "I still have nightmares about it." I murmmur. "Probably will for the rest of my life."

   "Anyways, Sonic lets me scare Scourge, one of his rivals. Its tons of fun! I'm Fleetway" The other golden hedge exclaimed. The purple one spoke next.

   "I'm Darkspine. I came into existance when Sonic used four of the Seven World Rings to defeat Erazor Djin and saved the 'Tales of the Arabian Night's book world from being erased forever." He said, as the last one came forward.

   "I remeber this form Sonic!" Tails exclaimed. "This is your Werehog form, from when Dark Gaia tried to break the planet apart."

   "Got that right. Though I prefer beong called Were." The werehog said. "Now that introductions are done, lets go!"

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