Chapter 12~Reunited at Last

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~Manic's PoV~

'The way he's helping us, it's like there's something personal about helping us.' I pondered, still supporting Sonia while following the flying, two-tailed fox kit. 'He's almost as impulsive as our bro.'

Sonia winces next to me, her injured ankle already beginning to swell up slightly. I hope his house isn't far.

"Don't worry. Our home is on the other side of this hill." Tails calls back to us, as reading my thoughts.

"Thank... Goodness... for that." Sonia replied somewhat breathlessly while something just occurred to me.

"Yo, Tails, dude." I start, voicing my puzzlement. "You keep saying "our" house. Who do you live with?"

"Oh. The hero of this place. I'm his sidekick/adopted little bro. Don't ask about my birth family, I don't like talking about it." He answered, lowering his ears at the last part. "Well, here we are. Lemme get the door for you two."

Once inside, I set my sister on the sofa. She sighs in relief as the yellow-orange fox puts an ice pack on her right ankle.

"Good news, Sonia. I think it's only bruised. It should be good in about 15-20 minutes." He says after inspecting her injury. "I have to call someone. Make yourselves comfortable."

~Sonic's PoV~

I was finishing up my 106th lap out 115 laps of the Green Hills Zone when my communicator buzzed. I slow down just enough to hit the answer button and I hear Tails' voice.

"Hey Sonic, can you come to the house please" He asked me, and I could basically hear the ear to ear grin he most likely had on his face.

"Four more laps then I'm there little buddy" I reply, finishing my 111th lap. Two minutes later and I'm zipping back to our back door, not even slightly outta breath.

Beckoning me inside, he signaled for me to stay in the kitchen while he continues into the living room.

"Hey guys, my housemate's back. You two wanna meet him?" He says and my ears twitch. He brought visitors home? Since when has Tails done that? Usually I'm the one bringing people home. I don't hear their reply but considering that Tails waves me in, I guess they said yes.

I walk in and freeze at the sight of the pink and green hedgehogs on the sofa. They seem equally stunned as they sit up, tears about to spill from their eyes.

"S... Sonia? M... Manic?" I ask, my voice trembling and tears threatening to come down my cheeks as well. I open my arms for a hug but all they do is stare at me like I'm some sort of ghost.

"Well? I'm waiting. (You have to say it like he does in Sonic Underground)" I say, my trademark smirk on face and this time, there's zero hesitation.

"SONIC!!!" They scream and throw themselves into my arms. "WE WERE SO SCARED!!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD UNTIL FOUR DAYS AGO WHEN THE ORACLE TOLD US!!!"

"I've missed you guys too. How'd you find them Tails?" I ask, the tears from earlier finally coming down all three of our faces.

"One word: Eggman." Tails says, grimacing, and I scowl.

"Of course. Lemme guess. They're hedgehogs, so he was gonna use them as bait for me, so you kicked the bolts outta his bots." I comment. He nods as our front doorbell chimes.

"I'll get it Sonic. You continue your reunion." He said, flying towards the door with his namesakes.

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