I stepped outside and deeply inhaled the natural air of the forest, I wonder if that wolf saw me earlier hopefully it stays out don't need more of those mutts chasing me, I must really get going There's a strong breeze today maybe I'll get to practise some spells I do need a new barrier around my cabin. The trees waved around as the wind picked up, I smelt a scent of flames and honey is th- th- that my ma- ma- mate I- I- thought witches do not have mates. I began walking towards this sweet scent hoping my mate was there, Thunder and lightning crashed in the sky as if a god entered this realm as I went deeper into the forest a dark type of aura surrounded me but as strange as it was I felt safe like a protective blanket was thrown around me, the trees were getting plucked out of the ground as I got closer the ground cracked open dirt flying around but I just walked through my aura flowing out of me in waves to show dominance as I stepped into werewolf territory, no one was going to stop me I wanted what was mine. A dark blue wolf appeared in front of me teeth barred trying to scare me my purple eyes locked on to his my dominance rolling off as to warn him to back off he seemed to think through his next actions turning as if to let me go through as I walked past there was a change in his breathing I thought wolves were smarter I turned and said a freezing spell under my breath his body stopped on my command his life was in my hands it felt good knowing I could kill him with the snap of my fingers, "shift" I ordered the frozen wolf his body cracked as he changed the forced shift causing him more pain "wh- wha- what are you" his voice cracked as he asked, "Hel" was my response, I kept on walking my head up there that smell was again I rushed towards it and saw a tall well-built 6'2 man no god standing there talking to the alpha his voice sent shivers down my spine as I met his red eyes I let out one word that shocked everyone "MINE" I whispered, he must of heard as I saw a small shiver roll up on his large frame. The alpha bowed to the man next to him and walked off the pack followed, leaving the two mates in the dark as they approached thunder and lightning clashed as the air darkened the king and queen met in the middle of the field they both lifted a palm to each other's face he caressed her face as her palm met his stubble the electricity shocked both of them the wind calmed as the king and queen finally met Michael watched from above as he saw two lovers embracing each other he only wished that he could have someone like his brother.
"Love my names Lucifer I'd be honoured to learn name of such a beauty as yourself", his deep voice echoed through the silent forest. "Hel my name is Hel my mate" she smiled, in that moment Lucifer knew that he would die a thousand deaths just to see her smile one more time.

The Queen of Hell
Fantasía"Brother do you feel that power" he exclaimed, Michael could only nod in response as he was in awe of the aura he was feeling. It seemed as time slowed down when Lucifer saw the vibrant eyes of his future Queen