"U-um Catherine, what do you need?" I stuttered out my cheeks turning a dark shade of red, "so you found your mate Angel" she smirked at me her left eyebrow-raising as she turned her head to look at my mate. "Hi, my name is Catherine it's nice to meet my sister's mate what's your name?" Catherine asked, Adira looked a bit scared as she told Catherine her name, I let her be interrogated by Catherine whilst I leaned on the kitchen counter watching my mate squirm as Catherine put up a tough act.
I was really scared to meet one of Angel's family members I hope they approved of us, even if they didn't no one can keep her away from me. I looked over at Angel's sister Catherine she looked scary as she kept on asking me questions finally, she relented and hugged me before skipping off towards the outdoors.
I was confused I looked towards my mate and saw her struggling to contain her laughter I gave her a hard stare but she merely shrugged it off and walked away, I followed Angel and saw her heading towards the training room I decided to join her.
We walked side by side a comfortable silence around us, we entered the room Angel walked into the middle and gestured me over with her head, I got into a fighting stance and took my time observing her movement she leaned more on her right leg I instantly spotted a weakness she needs to improve on hiding her weak points I can't bear the thought of her getting hurt in a battle.
I looked over at my beautiful mate and prepared my stance she looked calm too calm for my liking, "ready to lose my queen?" I asked, she laughed and shook her head her laughter bringing a smile to my face I wish to hear that sound on repeat until the end of days, my eyes turned red my vampire finally waking up from her nap she let out a little yawn before she focused in on our mate I could see her ogling at our mate I would do the same if we weren't about to fight.
I made the first move rushing straight at her my fist balled up I was ready, my speed surprised her for a second I took the opportunity and kicked her in the stomach she flew back and crashed into the wall, dust came out everywhere I coughed and saw her coming out of the wall she looked at me and winked that's when I felt a breeze behind me she was already by my side her leg crashed into mine I closed my eyes preparing for the fall that's when I felt soft hands grabbing onto my sides I looked into my mate's eyes she truly looked amazing a wave of hunger crashed through me as she whispered into my ear "looks like you have already fallen for me little one" she stated.
I tried so hard to fight the blush creeping up on my face but it was no use, I stuck my bottom lip out a pout forming on my face I lifted my hands to hide my face but Adira caught them, "now why would you hide such a pretty face from me, my little vampire?" I blushed even harder it was impossible for me to even form sentences at this point. I finally lifted my head and looked into her eyes I could get lost in those golden swirls even Aphrodite was jealous of her beauty, she chuckled and swiped her thumb across my lips my body heating electric shocks passed through me in waves as her thumb rested on my lips, "why don't you steady yourself and tell me what's on your mind little mate" Adira said, "well y-y-you ma-ma-make it so hard to speak when you touch me like that" I stuttered out a blush once again finding its way on to my skin.
A/N Hey everyone thank you for reading this chapter one more left before I start editing the book, also sorry for updating like once a week I'm currently trying to get into a routine of fasting every few days so that's been hard. On another note, hope everyone is staying safe during these times, once again thank you guys for reading. (:

The Queen of Hell
Fantasy"Brother do you feel that power" he exclaimed, Michael could only nod in response as he was in awe of the aura he was feeling. It seemed as time slowed down when Lucifer saw the vibrant eyes of his future Queen