Everyone Hel approached refused to fight in the war, they could not handle losing more of their species.
By the time Hel and her father arrived back to their castle the Lycans and rogue Lycans were all lined up their furs equipped with armour they were prepared for war.
Hel greeted the alpha and rogue leader with a nod and went inside to find her sisters, she saw Catherine sitting in a chair petting a squirrel her eyes held a joy that Hel hadn't seen in a long time.
"Catherine how have you been" Hel asked with a smile, Catherine returned her smile and said " I have been excellent sister I met mother in a dream today she told me to let my vampire side free so I have I feel so great" Catherine bounced in her seat as she told Hel. "That's good Catherine just be careful when humans are around, I still can't control my need for blood" Hel told her, Catherine nodded her head as Hel walked away.
Hel found Angel sitting on her bed holding her mother's locket in her hand, "Angel sister dear what is the matter?" Hel asked "Hel it's just that I miss mother so much what if Catherine or father or you die during this war I just can't handle another death" Angel told Hel as tears streamed down her face, Hel quickly rushed onto the bed and held Angel in her lap whispering small words of comfort as she drifted off to sleep, Hel carefully removed Angel from her body igniting a small whimper from her as Hel tucked her in.
Lucifer could feel it the air around him changed as demons rushed around war was coming.
Angels were getting their weapons ready silver spears and swords getting sharpened, and there standing tall stood the man with the elder sword.
Hel got her army ready waiting for Lucifer to bring his.
Lucifer landed he was home his mate waited there with her army the demons Lucifer brought went and joined the others, Hel rushed to Lucifer jumping into his arms her lips crashing onto his Hel bit his lip hard and sucked the blood that poured out her tongue swiped across his lip healing the cut as she pulled away.
A/N Sorry for not updating in the last few days, i couldn't really find motivation for a new chapter, its like i can't think of anything to do with books right now so i may take a break for a few days and let my mind rest, also if you spot any mistakes be sure to tell me it would help a lot. Have a great day/night (:

The Queen of Hell
Fantasy"Brother do you feel that power" he exclaimed, Michael could only nod in response as he was in awe of the aura he was feeling. It seemed as time slowed down when Lucifer saw the vibrant eyes of his future Queen