Part 25

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Dead the brother of Lucifer was dead. Now we only have one opponent left.


The angel sat there in the dark looking terrified I decided this was the time to interrogate him, "who are you?" I asked he shook his head no and charged at me, the sword was no longer in his hands he was a mere human compared to me, I looked him in the eye and his body went limp he was on his knees bowing to me "now I will ask one more time who are you?" I ordered, he whimpered and whispered, "Killian that's my name." "Why are you after us" I asked. "YOU KILLED MY FATHER" he screamed, "ah that's why well would you like to see your father's dead body again?" I asked as I placed the image of me killing his father in his head.

New pov

I watched on as Lucifer mentally tortured the angel, I'm not against the death of the angel but Lucifer killing him would really mess up the timelines and I don't want another war between the gods and I do not wish for the angel of death to awaken once again... I saw Hel had made her way over to the mountain Lucifer was at, that girl is dangerous no god wishes to meet her but here I am sigh having to save everyone once again sigh.


It seem like Lucifer destroyed everything around us guess that made it easier for me to spot him, I used my heightened eyesight and saw Lucifer mentally torturing the angel a sick smirk made its way onto my face at the thought of finally finishing off that angel so many of our people died because of him I hope Lucifer makes his death slow and painful.


The sky rumbled I could sense the gods watching on as I replayed the death of the angels father over and over in his head I'm sure some of the gods got off from me harming people, I don't think Hel could sense anyone of them yet my beautiful mate my love my life I truly do love her I can't wait until this is all over then finally she will be my queen and my wife.


I couldn't turn my head away all I saw was fathers blood running down his face as Lucifer slowly pierced his ear with the elder sword mother watched on tears streaming down her face why couldn't I move "RUN" I scream but nothing comes out please stop stop STOP I can't take it I can't Lucifer shoves the sword straight though his heart everyone looked away I look over at mother and she's not moving MOTHER I scream as I shake her why won't she get up, I look up and see Lucifer staring at me a smirk on his face I rush after him tears blurring my vision but I get pulled back by a man why won't he let me go Lucifer killed father and mother he deserves the same pain, the tears wouldn't stop as I kept on screaming at my younger self to help father.

One of the gods

I flew down towards Lucifer intending to stop him he can't kill this angel. "Lucifer that's enough boy" I tell him he doesn't turn but still says "this doesn't concern you woman go back to creating mate bonds and looking after your children." I slapped him on the back of the head and said "do not woman me boy I raised you have some respect," he turned around and looked at me I opened my arms and he stepped into them embracing me in a hug, "I'm sorry Lucifer but this is for the greater good" I whispered to him, "what do you mean Selene" he asked but I simply hugged him tighter letting a few tears fall from my eyes as the angel picked up the elder sword and drove it through Lucifer's back and going straight through mine Lucifer's eyes held betrayal as I kissed his forehead letting the tears run free "mommy is sorry my sweet boy so so sorry my angel" were the final words I said as we both fell the betrayal never leaving his eyes.


I finally got to where Lucifer was and saw him being hugged by a woman she was beautiful jealously coursed through me before I heard her saying she raised him that was his mother oh my what is she doing here. I walked closer and saw her tightening the hug she probably missed her child but then she said words that will haunt me forever I saw the angel running at them both I speeded over using every bit of my energy but I was too late the sword had gone through my world stopped there everything my heart my will to live gone in just a few seconds.

"LUCIFER NO NO NO LUCIFER" I rested his head in my lap he looked at me blood running down his face he tried to speak I rested my ear near his mouth looking into his eyes as he said the words that would bind my soul to his for all eternity no matter if either of us lived the words bonded our souls "I-I lo-love you" Lucifer choked out the light leaving his eyes as his and my future mother in laws body turned to nothing I screamed into the air begging whoever is up there to bring him back but my words were fallen on deaf ears how could they take the reason my heart beats away GIVE HIM BACK WHY WONT YOU GIVE HIM BACK HE'S MY MATE GIVE HIM BACK YOU SELFISH ASSHOLES.

Tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face dried up tears were left on my cheeks, but I didn't care what else is there to live for my soul bound is gone...

The angel looked at me and smirked he had the audacity to smirk I swear to you Lucifer he will die.

My heart had already been cracked now I needed his blood on my hands then next it would be the gods I walked over to him seeing him on the floor still smirking at me I punched him straight in the face my fangs flashing at him, I used my shirt to place a gag on his mouth as I used my magic to drown him in water I repeated it, next was his fingers the flames of earth were at my disposal one by one I burnt his fingers off the screams that left him still didn't make me feel any better, I dripped venom onto each and every wound he had the sound of his flesh burning made no difference to me I snapped my fingers and everything was gone just me and him in a dark space no light no nothing I looked him in the eye my magic pulsing as I showed him his future with his mate had he left me alone they would be happy he would have two kids and everything would be all right but then I showed his kids death to him his wife cheating on him with multiple men and I made him FEEL everything his mother and father's death I made him open his eyes so he could see me killing his father instead and then letting his mother's dead body fall to the floor right in front of him I ripped pieces of his families flesh and fed it to him making him swallow it, I finally ended it with a flick of my wrist I sent him to hell I carved a note into his skin saying a gift from your future queen.

I made my way over to the castle limping tears and blood all over my skin the empty feeling in my heart never leaving he's actually gone and I never got to say I love you too that fact only made me cry harder I finally reached the castle banging on the door Angel opened it and I fell straight to the floor darkness engulfing me.

The End 

A/N Wow I actually finished this story wow, I'm sorry if you guys didn't like the ending I had this planned since I first started this book. 

Now I'd like to say thank you to everyone who voted commented or even read the book it means the world to me that someone actually likes what I write, I will be back soon to update the last bonus five chapters then i might finish the other book i started then there will be Adira's and Angel's book, if you guys would like a sequel to this I might make it or i will add some parts to Adira's book about what happens after this. Once again thank you everyone love you all. (: 

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