The Undead's Cipher

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Izabella: Gray... you're dad died. We went and visited his grave remember?

I looked at his face and he clearly believed his father was alive

Grayson: Look, I know this sounds crazy but he's not dead. It was all a ploy to get rid of some people trying to steal his business

Izabella: Gray, we saw his body and had a funeral. I'm sorry but he's dead.

Grayson: So you don't believe me?

Izabella: I want to, but I held you while you cried over his death. And if those tears were fake, if all of that was fake... 

I let out a shaky breath

Grayson: I never meant to hurt you. I just I was told to make people believe he was dead to protect him. And now I've gotta find him.

He pulled me away from the door. I felt him reach into my pocket to take the phone but I moved it. 

Grayson: Where is it?

Izabella: You really think I'd just give it to you? Leave it in plain sight. Gray we became closer because our father's were around. So everything we built it wasn't real. 

I pushed him away

Grayson: It's not like that

Izabella: But it is, all of this is lie. Y-You told me you loved me. 

Grayson: I do

Izabella: I want to believe you... but I don't know when you're lying to me.

Grayson: I guess that means I should go?

Izabella: Or you could tell me the truth? I just need to know how much of our lives was a lie. 

Grayson: All the feelings I have for you are real. I know  this is complicated in so many ways. But I need you to trust me. Once I find my dad, things will be so much easier.

Izabella: Okay, but no more lies, no more secrets

He pulled me close to him and kissed me. And as much as I enjoyed it. There was still something bothering me. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and we made out.  It just made me wonder if his mom knew? We laid together he fell asleep next to me and I just paced my room. Trying to decide if I needed to hide the phone, break into it, or trust him. Then it rang

Izabella: Gray

I shook him 

Izabella: Gray wake up

Grayson: What is it?

Izabella: The phone it's ringing

I handed it to him, he answered it on speaker

Grayson: Hello? 

Man: Ace, I don't have a lot of time so you've gotta hurry?

Grayson: We can't rush the process.

who was on the phone? 

Man: We're gonna have to. Look Ace I wanna come home just as much as you want me too. But that means we're gonna need someone who can finish this and fast. Someone small but mighty?

Grayson: What about Starfire? 

What's up with all these nicknames?

Man: Does she know? 

Grayson: Not everything but some of it?

Man: Is she with you ?

Grayson: Yeah?

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