Mind over Matter

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They both looked at me confused and happy. I assumed it was because they realized their daughter was very wise for her age. That or they were confused as to why I wasn't complaining. The truth is if I did move in with Gray, I wouldn't have to worry about it. But if I did I wasn't sure how that would affect out relationship. If it would make it better or tear us apart before we even got started. I pushed my food around and my parents continued to stare at me.

Izabella: What?

Dad: Why aren't you yelling about staying?

Izabella: Because I don't need to scream anymore, I've said my peace and I'm not leaving you can't force me too. According to you your house your rules, however this isn't your house anymore. You sold it, I dislike it and I've come to terms that I will have to move out of the house but I'm not moving out of this state.

Dad: Where are you gonna go?

Izabella: I have a few options, I'm seeing how things work out first.

Mom: I'm leaving you hear

Izabella: You can't force me to leave, I know you don't want to either... So I'm working on an alternative. But I don't want to tear the two of you apart. I love you both but I think you need some time without me to figure out what steps you need to take to either fix or end this marriage. I vote for fixing it, but that just my opinion. I'm going to excuse myself.

I grabbed my phone and my shoes and went for a walk around the neighborhood. I just walked in circles for an hour maybe, I'm not really sure I lost track of time. Some how in all that walking I ended up in Gray's room.

Grayson: Hey?

Izabella: Hi

Grayson: You okay?

Izabella: Yes, no, maybe... umm. My parents might be getting a divorce but I think I'm okay with it and I don't if that's a good thing. And I was walking and I swore I was going home but I ended up hear and I think that's saying something. But then again I'm scared and so in love with you-

Grayson: Breathe. One thing at a time your parents love one another and no matter what happens they love you. You might feel okay with it now but you might not and coping can be hard but I'm here for you. As for you ending up in my room... I think you know what that means. And if I can ask, what are you so afraid of?

Izabella: Hypothetically if we moved in together, it would be wonderful. Sleeping in the same bed every night, coming home to you... but if we get into fight or break up. Where do I go, my life is here with you and Nova, I haven't even told Opal and Gracie on account of me trying to stay. And staying with you, staying for us. I'm scared that being together all the time will ruin us.

Grayson: How long have we known each other

Izabella: Eleven years, the day you moved in across the street.

Grayson: How much time have we spent together over the years?

Izabella: At lot and I see where you're going with this I do...

Grayson: I sense a but

Izabella: But, we were only friends then. I know I had a crush on you for most of that time but I could just hide those feelings. Now if I'm mad or sad I'm supposed to tell you.

Grayson: Feelings are hard for us, we've been over that, and yes we need to work on that. So why not start now? Why not start working on the things that we're not so good at before we start forever?

Fixing the broken things before forever starts. I never thought of it like that, but then again Gray always seemed to catch the things I missed.

Izabella: There are certain things you can't fix, no matter how hard you try. And I know you've tried.

Grayson: Like what?

Izabella: It's physical things, not the mental or emotional. But I really don't want to get into that.

Grayson: If you're worried about medical bills or medications, I can take care of that, of you. I've got you and I know that you don't want to be dependent or be a trophy wife. I won't make you, that's not what this is, this is a partnership. But I want you to focus on college and starting the life you want as long as there's a place for me.

Izabella: There will always be a place for you. What about you?

Grayson: I've been taking classes online and I've got a bank account from years of saving. I've got a steady job, Wednesday's off... for us.

Izabella: I don't know what to say

Grayson: Just say yes

Izabella: Let me think about it, I'll let you know tomorrow

I left and walked back to my house going straight to my room. I wasn't sure what I was going to. I mean he had a point start fixing the things before things get super serious. I was about to adult as a child, that's a big step for anyone. I opened my journal to write when I remembered Gray wrote something for me

Grayson: Button, I'm not letting go so easily. I'm not giving up on us. I don't know what tomorrow brings or when our forever will start. But I'm not gonna just stand by and let you go. I read what you wrote, I know how you feel, and now I know why writing is so easy. I know we said we'd wait a little longer but if I know I can stop you from leaving, I will. Izabella Ann Hunter, will you marry me?  Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and be my wife, my friend, my partner in crime, my one and only, for as long as we both shall live. I love you, I love you for everything that you are, even the things you don't like about yourself. I am faithfully yours.

His signature was at the bottom of the page with the date. I took my necklace and held it in my hand not knowing if I should listen to my head or my heart. Considering they were saying different things, one was telling me to say yes and the the other was telling me to wait. So what about a compromise, I say yes but we hold off the wedding. Which on a technicality would work on on account of I have to go to college.  I was knocked out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

Izabella: Who is it?

Dad: It's me

Izabella: What?

Dad: Please talk to me?

Izabella: Why should I? You want me to listen to what you have to say but you never listen to me.That doesn't seem fair does it?

Dad: I get why you're mad, you have every right to be

Izabella: But your my dad and that means I have to talk to you about my problems when I didn't have problems before you did what you did.

Dad: I messed up we're moving to Georgia

Izabella: You're moving, You and Mom if she still wants you, you're moving. I'm not

Dad: What does that even mean?

Izabella: It means I have options, now I have school so please go away .

I put my journal on my nightstand and did some homework hoping that math or English would take my mind off what was going on.

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