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I. Midoriya 🥦

-Izuku had noticed that you and Tenya had been getting quite close...

-He's not really the jealous type though, so this was quite new to him.

-Izuku sat at a distance, narrowing his virescent eyes at the two of you.

-Everyone had noticed his sudden aloof and cold aura.

-You and Tenya had been spending time with each other for the past hours! Oh, but that's not the worst part, he also knew that Tenya was into you.

-He slowly stood up from his seat and made his way towards you.

-"Excuse me Iida-kun, but may I borrow (Y/N) for a moment?" Izuku gently grabbed your wrist, walking away from the very confused navy blue-haired male.

-Everyone watched the scene unfold in pure interest, wondering what's going to happen next.

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

K. Bakugo 💥

-Katsuki snapped his pencil in half, glaring at the pink-skinned female.

-Oh boy, he had already known about Mina's little crush on you.

-He watched her every move. The way she was caressing your cheek, the way she strokes your hair and ARGH!

-Katsuki snapped.

-He furiously stomped his way over to the both of you.

-"OI, WHADDYA THINK YOU'RE DOIN' TO (Y/N)?!" Katsuki barked at the pink-skinned female.

-"What do you mean?" She tilted her head, feigning innocence.

-Katsuki growled and smashed his lips onto yours hungrily, you were shocked by his sudden neediness and possessiveness.

-Mina somewhat looked hurt and walked away from the two of you.

S. Todoroki ❄🔥

-Shoto felt his blood boil.

-He was watching the scene unfold right in front of him.

-The barista was flirting with you for the past minutes.

-"Y'know I think I have to espresso myself, and I think that you're totally cute." He said with a slight smirk plastered on his face.

-You looked really uncomfortable by the way he was staring at you.

-Shoto gently intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your hand lightly.

-He smacked the money on the counter and made a quick order.

-You smirked to yourself as the two of you walked away and sat somewhere far from the barista.

D. Kaminari

-Denki gave the group a small smile whilst constantly glancing at you.

-His friends were flirting with you.

-He hasn't introduced your relationship to them yet.

-He badly wanted to, but he just couldn't say anything.

-He interlocked his fingers with yours and grimaced.

-"Geez, I would really appreciate it if you guys spoke more decently to my girlfriend/boyfriend." He accentuated the 'my girlfriend/boyfriend.'

-His friends instantly silenced, muttering a string of apologies.

E. Kirishima 🦈

-Tamaki was your childhood friend and Eijiro certainly didn't know.

-He would find himself constantly glaring at the timid male.

-The two of you were too close for his liking.

-He didn't like the way that Tamaki would wrap his arms around you, stroke your hair and tickle your sides.

-He stayed silent the whole time, excluded from your conversations.

-You had noticed his unusual silence and interlocked your fingers with his, giving his hand a small squeeze.

-You already had known that look on his face.

-You whispered into his ear, explaining your relationship with Tamaki.

-He was instantly relieved and conversed with Tamaki a lot more than you the whole day.

T. Iida 🏃‍♂️

-Tenya was jealous of how fond the class was with you.

-Of course, he could understand why and that's because you have an extremely positive personality which instantly reels people in.

-Everyone was taking you away from him, leaving both of you no time for each other.

-Tenya had enough of this.

-He walked up to you, gently intertwining his fingers with yours and excusing you from whoever was currently borrowing you.

-Both of you made your way together in someplace much more peaceful and quiet.

H. Shinso 🐈

-Hitoshi was jealous of how much affection you are giving to your pet cat.

-He wanted that affection too.

-He gently grabbed the cat away from you and embraced you from behind.

-You tried to shake him off, but he wouldn't budge.

-You stayed silent, until a moment of realization had hit you.

-He was jealous of a cat.

-You giggled, peppering your purple-haired boyfriend with kisses.

O. Uraraka

-Ochako had noticed that you've been using your phone a lot, completely ignoring her presence.

-She had known that you were addicted to this famous otome game called Mystic Messenger.

-Yes, they were all good-looking. She could agree with that, but you've been on your phone every single day!

-You were so excited when you've finally downloaded the game.

-Ochako laid her head on your lap, groaning loudly in hopes to get your attention.

-"Notice me, Senpai!" She says needily.

-You looked down at the brunette, putting your phone away immediately.

M. Ashido 🧪

-Mina had known about Bakugo's interest in you. She didn't mind at all since he knew that you two were going out.

-She had noticed how Katsuki was touching and looking at you.

-She didn't like it, not one bit.

-She hugged you from behind, peppering kisses all over your face in hopes of getting Bakugo to back away, and it worked like a charm!

-You were confused by her actions, completely oblivious to what's going on.

N. Monoma 👥

-Hitoshi was spending a lot of time with you, and Neito definitely didn't like it.

-He would often send death glares at the purple-haired male, his glares completely going unnoticed.

-Neito would wrap his arms around you, and kiss your forehead.

-He would send more glares until Hitoshi would get the message and leave.

-"Um, I'll see you later (Y/N)?" Hitoshi awkwardly says and leaves the two of you alone.

-Neito was smiling viciously to himself, finally getting you all for himself.

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