Cafuné °𝓚. 𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸 𝔁 𝓕. 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 °

226 2 0

Contains: Fluff
AU: None
Word count: 930 words


The aroma of delicious food, the sound of students cheerfully chatting, the noise of utensils accidentally dropping onto the floor and the sound of footsteps everywhere. It was very lively in the UA cafeteria as always. Everyone is so energetic. Somehow, even with all this noise, it's also quite calming. Maybe it's the fact that I'm already used to this kind of noise or maybe it's because I'm with the people whom I trust the most in this crazy world.

I let out a sigh of bliss, happily eating the lunch my mom had prepared for me this morning. I used my right hand to eat and my left hand to stroke Katsuki's hair. This had already become a routine. He would sit beside me to the left, and I would sit beside him just so he could get his daily head pats.

I was sitting with the Bakusquad, and as strange as it is, our table is completely silent. Normally, our table would be the loudest in the cafeteria. How ironic.

Why our table was so quiet? Well, it's one of those days where Katsuki is peacefully silent. How and why is he so silent, you ask? Well, let me try to explain...

"Oi! Sh*tty nerd." I awkwardly turn my head around to meet eyes with the infamous ash-blonde male. "Meet me at the back of the school after classes, got it?!" He stares at me in the eyes, holding eye contact for 5 seconds before walking away with a slouch. He tried to sound intimidating just now, but I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of his blush.

Katsuki and I aren't exactly that close, but we did have some history together. I was friends with Katsuki and Izuku since middle school. I would always hang out with Izuku and I would always be there for him whenever Katsuki decides to pick on him again.

The three of us used to hang out with each other a lot despite Katsuki's hate for Izuku, but now that we're already in high school, it only became just Izuku and me. Katsuki had started to distance himself from us and continue to hang out with his squad.

I stare off into nowhere, spacing out. What exactly does Katsuki want from me this time?

Suddenly, my thoughts have been disrupted because of the bell indicating that lunch is finally over and that it is time to go back to our respective classrooms.

I pack up my lunch box and cleaned any mess that I had left behind. Once I finished cleaning up, I felt a hand clasping itself onto mine. "Let's go?" I asked cheerfully and they replied with a short hum.

Whilst walking towards our classroom, my mind started to drift off again.

"E-eh?!" I gasped in shock at those three simple words that had left the ash-blonde's mouth. It was very surprising and unexpected. I never imagined that Katsuki would say those words, especially to someone like me! "I love you!"

He was slightly panting and sweating from the anticipation. "W-what?" I stammered, completely baffled by these turn of events. "I said I love you, idiot! Don't make me repeat it." He let out a huff, looking away from embarrassment.

Wow, this was a new side that I've never seen from Bakugo. At that crucial moment, I managed to let out a string of laughs. "H-huh? What're you laughing at?!" Katsuki suddenly turns bright red, sparks coming out of his palms.

"S-sorry! Haha, you just look so cute!" I held my belly, laughing in between words. "Tch, whatever. So, what's your answer?" I finally stopped laughing once he stared at me straight in the eyes with all seriousness.

This simple eye contact is starting to make me nervous and my heart beat fast. "I... Of course, I love you too, Katsuki." I give him a soft and gentle smile, patting him on the head.

This action made both him and I blush. "Good! 'Cause I don't take no for an answer." He gives me a slight smirk. I continue to pet his head, realising how soft his hair is despite how it looks.

I slowly run my fingers through his soft hair, mesmerised. "Tch, why do you keep touching my hair?!" He yells at me. Although he says and looks like he isn't enjoying this, I could tell that he is. He would have slapped my hand off of his hair if he didn't like it, but he didn't.

I smiled to myself, recalling the memory. I always run my fingers through Katsuki's hair, especially when he's stressed out or mad. At first, everyone was shocked to know how quiet Katsuki gets whenever we do this, but now it seems like everyone has gotten used to it now by how often we do this.

We share head pets here and there, but it was mostly me who gave the most head pets. Katsuki liked this action a lot. But, when someone other than me does this to him, he goes on a rampage as if it was the end of the world.

I immediately stop in my tracks, which makes Katsuki turn around in confusion. "Huh?" Katsuki looks at me in the eyes in confusion. "Why the h*ll did you stop?"

"Katsuki, I love you," I said softly, reaching out my hand to pet his head. And, as if on instinct, Katsuki lowers his head for me. "Tsk, I love you too."

"You owe me head pats back at the dorms."

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