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I flutter my eyes open. I notice the sun is lower in the sky already.

"Hey shanks." I hear Minho's voice ring out.

He pauses to take in the lumber still neatly stacked on the forest floor. The hammer and nails, not askew at all.

"You-you haven't done anything?" He remarks.

It is spoken as a statement rather than a question. I watch him carefully as he takes us into notice. The way I slumped against Newt's chest. How his hand lay protectively across my chest. Newt clears his throat and sits upright.

"Tommy here decided to take a little nap that's all." He brushes it off.

Minho senses our uneasiness and relaxes.

"Yeah of course. You were plenty busy in the maze the other day Thomas. You deserve it." He smiles warmly.

He clasps his hands together and grins.

"It's a pretty place to rest anyways." He nods taking in the serene surroundings.

"I'll just let Chuck know today wasn't the right day. I'll see you two later." He adds.

With that he flashes us both a warm smile and strides out of the tree. Once he is out of earshot Newt speaks up.

"That was quite odd."

It irritated me how he acted like he hadn't been affectionate towards me. Certainty it wasn't all my imagination. My suspicions are confirmed when he exhales and begins running his dainty fingers through my hair. I feel each breath he inhales and exhales. The magnificent rise and fall of his chest with every new scent. Every new moment. After a few minutes he whispers to me.

"What dream did your nap bring?"

He asks it so wistfully. He seems so sure I even dreamed. Of course in this case he is right. Like he is about most things.

"I dreamt about you." I venture to tell the truth.

"Oh really." I can taste the smile in his words, he is amused.

"Well what was I like?" He asks, gazing upwards through the trees.

I sigh and explain how he was light, carefree. He was a more happier than ever version of himself. He glowed, as if every being of the universe wanted to have a chance to showcase him. The sunlight, the breeze, the flowers.

I knew I'd gone too far. But reality seemed to have melted away under the protective curtain of the willow. Things had been different between us ever since we climbed the tree.

"Why that sounds lovely Thomas." He affirms.

"It was. Sorry I fell asleep on you." I grow uncomfortable.

"Oh, don't worry at all about that." He says soothingly.

After a moment of silence I admit what had been consuming my mind since the dream.

"I wish you were like that Newt in real life."

"Me too Tommy."

"Well why don't you be?" I interrogate, growing angrier.

"It isn't that simple." He says with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I just- I don't want-" I correct myself.

"I can't stand seeing you like this." I say murmur.

"I'm sorry Thomas, I didn't mean to place a burden on you. I'm not your responsibility, you shouldn't even care about me." He informs me.

"Well I do." I say adamantly.

I sit up and spin around to face him.

"Where is the knife? The dagger, whatever it is I don't care." I ask him seriously.

He studies me for a moment, seemingly debating whether to tell me or not.

"I've stashed it in the loose floorboard under my bed." He admits.

"I'm going to take it from you." I announce.

I leave his presence, the air growing heaver with every inch I move away from him. My feet hit the ground, and I traipse out of the tree and head straight for Newt's room.

𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂 // 𝓷𝓮𝔀𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 ✿Where stories live. Discover now