Lazy Monday Morning

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I awoke to the clanks of silverware downstairs, and the shaft of sunlight that ever so carefully landed itself directly upon my eyes. I cock my head to the right to see a sleepy Newt examining one of his books.

"Took you long enough." He announces with a smirk.

"You've been up for long?" I question.

"Only long enough that Minho left without you without a second glance back into the Glade. I watched from the window." He explains.

"And Chuck is too busy enjoying breakfast I doubt he noticed your disappearance." He nods towards me.

I sigh with relief and fold myself into his lap. I look up to him and he shakes his head with a playful grin.

"So the lazy monday morning begins." He announces.

Quickly afterwards he asks if I'm hungry. I realize that I barely at all of yesterday, and that the butterflies in my stomach might actually just be a gnawing hunger.

"Yeah, actually I'm starving." I laugh.

"I'll be right back." He beams and stalks off before I can object. 

I focus on the dust motes dancing in the beam of light coming in from the window. I can hear the camaraderie of the boys outside. I think I can hear Gally but it might just be my imagination. Just then the door creaks open.

"Hey Newt have you s-"

"Shit." I breathe.

"Oh I-, there you are." Minho stutters.

"Yeah sorry." I blank on my lie and scold myself.

"You alright?" Minho asks.

"Yeah, I was just- I uh." I'm covered in blankets and my hair is tousled, it wasn't like I was just dropping by, and I knew Minho wouldn't buy it.

"It's whatever. Just make sure you run tomorrow you shank. And no more sleeping with Newt." He says with a forgiving yet somehow devious grin.

"It wasn't like that!" I plead.

"It wasn't 'sleeping' sleeping, it was just sleeping." I explain, containing a laugh.

"Yeah same thing, you're not gonna want to miss breakfast, I suggest you get down there." He nods to the smell of bacon wafting up the staircase.

"Oh, Newt's grabbing me some." I explain.

"Ah lover boy's got you covered." He winks and trots out of the room.

"He is not a lover boy!" I object.

"I beg to differ!" He shouts over his shoulder whilst stomping down the stairs.

I groan and sit up. A couple minutes Newt walks in balancing two plates of food, and mugs of water. I rush over to help before they all topple down.

"You could've asked for my help on the way up!" I laugh.

"Eh, it's no biggie." He brushes it off.

"I got stuck with Minho then forgot my lie." I announce after a gulp of water.

Newt just giggles in response. We sit on the cot and lean against the wall that acts as a headboard of sorts. When he begins eating I follow suit. At some point throughout the meal he sets down his plate and begins reading to me from one of his books.  When I asked him why he still had so much food left, he simply said he wasn't hungry and continued to read.

I thought all the books were about herbs or something, but this one was a real entertaining story, much better than plants. It followed a girl and a rabbit, and a hole that led to this strange world and it intrigued me quite a bit. Newt kept on reading as I laid my head on his lap like earlier. I flutter my eyes open, broken from the imagery of the story when he pauses mid-sentence. He leans down and kisses me, seemingly as if he couldn't wait any longer. It makes me feel special.

It isn't just a peck either. He places his hand on my cheek so he can turn my face upwards. His hair tickles my cheeks. Not long after he sits me upright and pulls me into him. With his back slammed up against the wall, and his lips on mine, everything is clear. Despite my eyes being closed. His hands run up and down the length of my back, closing every last bit of space between us. Regretfully I have to pull away to take a gulp of air. I do so, and examine his face. His crinkled nose, sharp eyebrows, intelligent eyes.

"I didn't want to stop." I explain.

"It's just- air." I exhale.

He laughs and lays my head against his shoulder. His hand stays on the back of my head, stroking my hair.

"The book?" I prompt him, still desperately wanting to know if the girl really does get beheaded.

"Ah of course." He says.

I can feel him pick up the book. He begins to read. I learn that the girl in fact gets her way out of being beheaded in an odd scheme where she grows as tall as a giant and breaks through the roof of the courthouse. What luck. 

The door bursts open startling us both. I am unceremoniously awoken from my fairy tale world which only contains me and Newt and our only pastimes are forms of affection or reading. This new world causes me to realize the way I am melted into him. I sit up straight and see his shirt is off, but I can't remember exactly when it came off. It's the type of thing that happens on lazy monday mornings.

"God Minho, quit interrupting!" I pout, then I get a good look at our intruder.

A confused chuck stands before us. We've had one too many interruptions. I observe him as he surveys the seen: two males tangled in the sheets, one shirtless, one clutching the other's bicep. (That was Newt grabbing me as I sat up.) Chuck's eyebrows wrinkle together and he inhales.

"I uh- they're all going crazy down there looking for you Newt. Apparently some rodent found its way into your tomatoes." He stammers, still somewhat appalled by our state.

He was old enough to tell we weren't just hanging out together and reading. He scratches at his arm and stands anxiously.

"Well," Newt begins softly.

"I hate to break it to you Chuck, but this is my lazy monday morning. I simply don't have time to deal with pesky rodents." He says with an upturned nose.

"And also, don't be nervous or scared around me and Thomas. We are doing perfectly fine, I don't like when you act like that." Newt sympathizes.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm old enough to understand what being gay is." He says all knowingly.

The word scares me.

"Yes well, perhaps it isn't exactly that." Newt eases.

"It's more simply, love." He finishes.

Chuck nods, looking as if he truly believes what Newt just said and is taking it into consideration.

𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂 // 𝓷𝓮𝔀𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 ✿Where stories live. Discover now