Paying a Visit

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"Thomas, hey wake up."

I dread opening my eyes. I can tell that something bad awaits me, I just don't remember what. I blink open my eyes to find Minho peering down at me. The event resurfaces and I immediately lay back down, eyes glued to the ceiling.

"Are we in your room?" I ask blankly.

"Yeah." He answers.

"Do you want me to tell you how he is." He offers.

"Sure." I swallow.

"Well physically, he only has a broken ankle. But mentally, I honestly think this will be a long recovery Thomas."

"Thanks for not sugar coating it." I reply.

Minho was good at being blunt with things.

"Are you hungry? We can go see him." He asks.

The sight of seeing my boy all mangled in a medjack cot repulses me. I breathe deeply.

"Let's eat." Is all I say.

I pull myself out of his bed and onto my still wobbly feet. We exit his room and head down to the main room of the homestead. Frypan hurriedly offers us some leftovers from dinner. I slept awhile. Minho and I sit near one of the still sputtering fires left by the boys. I can see the shack from here, but I desperately try to avert my eyes. Some of the other Gladers observed me, they must've noticed my outburst. 

"Have you seen him since?" I question, regaining my bearings.

"Just once, but I got a couple reports. Apparently the bone was put back into place and Clint wants him immobilized for at least a month to give it time to heal."

I swallow slowly.

"A month?" I sputter, bewildered.

"Yeah, and even then he'll probably be stuck with a killer limp."

I set my plate down, the food becoming instantly unappetizing. I look into the dying flames before us.

"Do you think it was my fault?" I ask sincerely.

"Thomas, whoa of course not. He loves you, he's probably worried sick that you're thinking that exact thing." He explains gingerly.

I turn to face him.

"Should I go see him?" I hope he says yes.

"Yeah come on." He swiftly stands to his feet.

I take a little more time, still scared to go confront Newt. Things will always be different between us and I hate that. I can feel the eyes of the Gladers upon my back as I hesitantly near the shack. Luckily I don't hear any terrible noises of distress like before. I take a deep breath and push open the door.

The earthy scent engulfs me, and the moist feel of the air scratches at me. I turn to see Jeff staring wide eyed at me. He must've heard to. He only nods towards the bed, where I turn to see Newt lying. His ankle is lightly bandaged, and speckled with a small amount of blood. I walk slowly over to him, thankful that he's asleep. I kneel in the dirt next to the cot, and examine his face.

It's the same as before, just bloodied and scratched. But still the same boy I love. Almost everyone in the shack is oblivious to our love, so it would be absolutely absurd to kiss him or something. Also to kiss him just given the situation would be absurd, I don't even know why it crossed my mind.

My mind comes back to Newt when he draws a short breath. His eyes flutter open, he winces slightly but then his gaze falls upon me. I want to flee, get as far away from him as I can. But I remain still, knees glued to the floor.

"Thomas." He whispers urgently.

I watch him as he surveys the room, noticing the other Gladers. Surprisingly, they all leave. My heart flutters with fear. I wish Minho was still here.

"All you alright?" He asks genuinely.

I can't bring myself to laugh, so I just stare at him in bewilderment.

"Me?" I ask shakily.

"It wasn't your fault." He clarifies.

"No matter how many times I tell you, it wasn't because of you." He pleads.

"Why was it then." I ask, I feel my throat growing dry, and my eyes begin to brim with tears.

"No please don't cry love. Look at me, I'm alright. It's just my ankle." He explains.

"You didn't answer." I prod.

"Thomas I don't know. What I said earlier I guess." He shrugs.

"Newt I try so hard everyday." I explain, my tears now flowing freely.

"I run and I try. I promise I want to leave too." I whimper.

"No, that's not how I meant it!" He begins to cry too.

Look what I've done now.

"I just mean- Thomas I love you." He stops mid sentence and blurts out.

"I love you." He reiterates.

"I swear this had nothing to do with you." He reminds me.

"Now come here." He pulls my face to his and plants a kiss on my salty cheeks.

"Go to my room and rest. I'll be perfectly fine here, you can visit me in the morning. Just get enough sleep okay." He tells me.

I nod obediently and stand up. I turn around as I reach the door.

"I'm sorry we're stuck here. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you too." I say calmly.

𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂 // 𝓷𝓮𝔀𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 ✿Where stories live. Discover now