Fifteen Minutes Ago

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"You are out of the loop shank." Minho's voice awoke me.

"You're usually up fifteen minutes ago, but come on put on your shoes."

He jostles my hammock until I am dumped unceremoniously onto the ground. I hurriedly lace up my shoes with a grumble and dart off to find Minho.

"You're late." He states.

"Yeah sorry, couldn't sleep." I mumble.

"Without Newt, you mean." He adds slyly.

"No, just stop it." I hold in a laugh.

"I'm not wrong." He says with a playful slap on the back.

"Yeah whatever let's get going." I brush it off.

As if on cue, the Glade walls begin to part with an ear splitting rumble. I have no idea how Chuck can sleep through it. Maybe Newt is watching from his window. Just in case he is, I turn around and wave a small goodbye in the direction of the roof. Thankfully Minho was too focused on the Glade walls to see me, he would've teased me for life. I look over to Minho who nods and we bolt into the maze.

After running for about three hours we stopped for a lunch break. Somehow I was still groggy, even drenched in sweat. We plop ourselves down against the ivy and examine our packs. Fry has taken up a habit of pre-making our meals the day before and making it a surprise. Today we were blessed with lentil soup and a tortilla. I made a show of swigging down my water before which always angered Minho because I was supposed to "ration it." He noticed and gave me a punch on the arm.

"Yeah I know, ration it." I say in a mocking tone.

He scoots closer to me and with a mouthful of food asks,

"So, about you and Newt?" With a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"How did I know you'd ask." I say with a groan.

"What, I'm being serious. What's up with you too?" He says defensively.

I take a bite of my tortilla to distract myself.

"I don't know, we're pretty good friends I guess." I sheepishly remark.

Minho won't buy it.

"Yeah okay sure. Keep telling yourself that." He mutters with a laugh.

Once he's finished he stands up and looks down to me. His tone because a bit more serious, which is a rarity for him.

"I've known Newt for awhile y'know. You can always ask me or talk to me about him greenie." He says, resurfacing the old nickname.

"Yeah whatever." I rise to my feet with a stupid grin plastered on my face.

We return to the Glade close to dinner time. Newt is actually standing there waiting for me. Just the sight of him wills me to run faster. I pump my arms and legs keeping my breaths steady. He smiles as he sees me speed up. I manage to slow myself down upon entering the Glade. I come to a stop when I reach Newt. I catch my breath as he giggles at how winded I am. Minho comes up beside me and I prepare myself for the regular snarky remark.

"Man you run pretty fast for the promise of your boyfriend." He breathes with a huge smile.

"Oh shut up Minho." Newt shoots back with a playful glare.

With a wink Minho stalks off.

"How did you sleep?" I ask him once I'm able to catch my breath.

"Fine, would've been better if you were there." He remarks.

"Yeah, I'm the best I know." I flash a smile of sarcastic superiority.

He just laughs.

"How much time do you think we have before dinner, I gotta go rinse off." I explain.

"Oh plenty, would you prefer to go to the swimming hole rather than those boring old showers?" He prompts.

I can't deny him.

"Of course Newt."

"Perfect, c'mon."

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