What Now?

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The crunch of the leaves underfoot momentarily distract me. I catch the willow out of the corner of my eye and pull up short. I spin on my heels and part the leaves to find him still perched in the center. I sigh, unsure of what to do.

Act like it never happened?

"What now?" He asks for me.

The purple sky shining through the leaves frames his slender torso beautifully. He leans his back against the trunk with arms crossed over his stomach.

"I'm don't know Newt."

"I can't give it back to you." I stammer.

"I know I shouldn't Tommy." He admits.

I approach a few steps nearer to the tree. The unnatural presence of the dagger on my belt makes me feel uneasy.

"What prompted this Newt?" I push.

"Well look at us for one. A group of boys stuck in a maze with seemingly no way out. Each day with no success ticking by until our inevitable death either by age or grievers. And we'll never get to see the sweet promise of the outside world."

"I know." I say flatly.

"But you'll never quite see it the way I do Tommy."

"Why not?" I inquire quite curiously.

"Because you just aren't me." He says defiantly.

"And frankly, you see pretty content with living here in this hellhole forever." He adds.

"I do not, I'm the one who goes out there everyday to run that shuck maze!" I retort.

"I'm just teasing." He giggles.

"C'mere." He grins.

I give in and ease my way up the tree with his help. It is dark now, and despite the normal eeriness of the Deadheads, it's quite serene here. I can hear the sound of a creek somewhere close by, and peer at the moon through the umbrella of leaves.

Newt pats the spot next to him. I manage to obey and squeeze myself next to him. He rests his head on my shoulder. I watch his every move as he positions his hand over the top of my forearm. He strokes his fingers across my arm gently. He draws lovely swirling paintings and small polka dots.

After I've become so used to his presence that he is practically invisible he whispers.

"Tommy I like you."

It shatters my world. He says it sweetly, as if not to frighten me. And with a tone of sarcasm, or a hint of arrogance he adds,

"And I know you do too, so quit trying to hide it."

I hear the grin in his voice, although I can barely make out his features in the darkness even if I was looking at him. I keep my eyes transfixed on the stars, my mind reeling.

"Oh Thomas." He sighs.

In my peripheral vision I see him bring his hand toward my jaw. He rests it there and cups my head with his hand. My world unfolds as he brings me to look into his eyes and plants a kiss on my lips.

𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂 // 𝓷𝓮𝔀𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 ✿Where stories live. Discover now