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(1 year later)
Dinner came around in the blink of an eye. I jogged back into the glade, minho at my side. I stop once I reach the center, resting my hands on my knees. Minho flashes a grin as he speeds past me.

"Can't keep up Thomas?" He challenges.

I regain my footing and will myself onward. The homestead lies just a few yards ahead, the promise of some meal of Frypan's being the only thing motivating me. I speed forward, gaining on Minho. The blur of blonde catches the corner of my eye and I see Newt has joined the race.

He runs alongside me, his golden hair whipping his face from almost every angle imaginable. To my knowledge, he had always been Keeper of the garden, but his speed told me otherwise. How many secrets did this boy hold.

I slowed as I saw the Homestead, accepting defeat. I gazed longingly towards the boy, his grin making his lips thin, his crescent moon eyes crinkling up. He was everything.

"Some slow shank!" Newt remarks as we enter the building, the smell luring us indoors.

I object, but we all laugh together. We all subconsciously pick up bowls and let Fry ladle us some soup, all whilst talking. Chuck wiggles his way in between me and Newt and places a finger to his lips, barely stifling a giggle.

He grabs a bowl and we let it slide. Minho yells a,

"Thanks Fry!"

over his shoulder as we make our way to our usual table. I sit myself next to Newt and observe his face.

"What's up?" I inquire, the puzzled look on his face prompting me.

I place my hand gently on his thigh, demanding his attention. We'd grown extremely close over the past year, and I knew he'd think nothing of it, but I retracted my hand instantly.

"Oh, nothing. Just hungry that's all." He brushes off my concerns with a flick of his wrist.

He then nods toward my bowl. I reluctantly pick up my spoon and eat. Teresa lightens the mood as she practically throws herself into the open wooden chair.

"Wow, am I hungry." She exclaims through mouthfuls of soup.

This elicits a giggle from Chuck.

"Soo, what did everyone do today?" Chuck beams as he asks his trademark dinner table question.

He points a pudgy finger towards me, indicating I go first.

"Okay, well," I begin.

"Me and Minho mapped two new parts of the maze, and made it back alive." I remark with a wink.

Newt chuckles, but Chuck sits, seemingly unimpressed.

"Well I found a pretty cool tree out in the deadheads!" He boasts.

"Care to show it to us afterwards?" Teresa asks.

"I was hoping you'd ask." Chuck smiles.

"I was thinking about how maybe we could build a platform up there, it wouldn't be that hard you know, like a little hideout. And Gally could help!" He adds excitedly.

"Ah, don't consult that old shank. Me n' Tommy can help you with that." Newt says warmly.

He turns to me and softens his tone ever so slightly.

"If that's alright with you." He adds.

I clear my throat.

"Yeah, no I'd be happy to help, of course." I say.

A project with Newt, almost everything I dreamed of.

𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓫𝓸𝔂 // 𝓷𝓮𝔀𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 ✿Where stories live. Discover now