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"You are spacing out again. ," Chaeng said that caught my attention. I am now here in the living room having some tea to help me get a goodnight sleep, cause tomorrow we will have another meeting with our boss.

"Its nothing. Do you want some tea too? ," I ask her to change the topic.

" It will not work with me Lali. I know you more than anyone inside this building. So you better tell it to me right away.," Chaeng said while giving me a serious look. I guess I can't win to her this time.

I left a deep sigh before looking at her.

" It's Jennie... ," I started.

" What about her ? Did you two fight ? Did she say something bad to you? ," I know this Chipmunk is just concern but I feel a little bit annoyance in her tone.

"No, it's not that chipmunk don't worry," I say then I ruffle her hair that cause her to slap my hand.

" Then what is it ? Why you are spacing out just because of her ?," She ask confusedly

" I don't know what is her reason why she's giving me a cold shoulder. Did I do something wrong to her ? I really don't know. Im having a hard time here figuring out what could be her reason in acting like that.," I said looking down the floor. I dont know why Im so affected to the attitude that she's showing to me.

"Maybe she's still adjusting ? Maybe she is not used in living with some other people ? ," Chaeng said.

" But why she's not giving you a cold shoulder just like mine ? We are both new in her life. Why am I the only one whose getting that treatment?," I frustratedly said to her.

"Ahh ! So you want me to experience that too huh ?! You're unbelievable Lali ! ," she said then I realized what I've said.

"NO CHAE ! Its not what you think. I didn't mean that way. You misunderstood me.," I am now panicking because I can't handle anymore if Chaeyoung will get mad at me too.

"Hahaha just kidding Lali ! I know what you really mean.," I felt relief after hearing her laugh. Argh !

" You scare me you chipmunk ! ", I said loudly what I am supposed to say only in my mind.

" Just let this slide Lali. Give her more time. Prove to her that you don't deserve those treatment. I know you are better. And if she still didn't want you to her friend, you don't need to worry cause you always have me, and Jisoo Unnie too. Araso ? ," she said that really calm the hell inside of me. I am so blessed to have this Chipmunk in my life.

She pulled me in a tight hug that completely comfort me.



I need to go to the bathroom, so I go out in my room. Then I notice that the light in the living room is still on. Maybe they just forget to turn it off, but I heard somes giggles that is coming from the living room. I silently and secretly look at the living room to know whose the owner of those giggles. I saw Chaeng together with Lisa and they tickling each other. I can see how hard Chaeyoung is trying just to not laugh so hard cause it's already midnight. Then Lisa stop tickling her because they are too loud now and maybe she realized BY JUST NOW that they are not the only people living in this damn dorm. Stupid.

Then I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. There's a message that's why I opened it.

From: Jisoo Unnie

You better stop giving them that kind of look Jendukie. I might think of something else you know ? Hahaha

I searched for the sender and I found her standing across the hallway. Where her room and Chaeng's room located. She's looking at me while leaning at the wall with a weird smile on her face.

To: Jisoo Unnie

You're weird.

I send my reply to her and made my way to the bathroom to do my business. I know Lisa and Chaeng notice me but I don't give a damn to them anymore. After I finished, I notice that there is no one in the living room anymore and the lights are now off.

I went in my room then after a few minutes my sleepiness sway me away without me noticing it.


I woke up early than I expected. Its only 6 am in the morning, and I think the other members are still sleeping. I went out in my room to prepare some breakfast.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw Lisa having her coffee silently. I think she's an early kind of person. I still don't know how to approach her after what happened last night. But I know I can't avoid her forever cause were now living together.

"Morning.," I said without looking at her. Im still shy to my bitchy attitude last night.

"Morning.," she said that cause me to look at her. I didn't expect that she will greet me back after what I've done to her.


The thing that shock me the most is her... smile.

Her sweetest smile. She's giving me now her sweetest smile. I can't believe this woman. Didn't she know that I don't deserve that smile of her?

I felt some flying butterflies inside my stomach. What are this ? And my heart wants to escape from my body because of the hard and fast beat that it's doing inside of me. Another strange feeling. Fuck it.

"Lisa... I--," She cut me off before I could say sorry to her.

"It's okay Jennie. I understand you." She said that confuse me.

"What do you mean ?," I ask.

"I'll distance myself to you for the mean time. I now understand that you're adjusting yourself because of the big change in our life now. All these years you only live with Jisoo Unnie and then one day we instantly added to your life and live with you. Maybe you find this set up uncomfortable, so I'm giving you time. I hope we can be friends when the right time comes. Cause even we flip upside down the earth ? We are already part of each others life." She stand up and start to walk away from me.

But in half way, she stop and turn around again.

"You know what ? Even you're always giving me a cold shoulder, I still believe in Chaeng's description to you, that you are nice Jennie.," she say then flashed again her sweetest smile. I felt my knees weaken at the sight of that. Not only because of that but because even I'm a bitch to her all this time, she still believe that Im a nice person ? You are really something Lisa.

Now that she's making a gap between the two of us, will I be happy ? Can I really adjust myself by putting a wall for the mean time ?

~ L U N A

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