*A/N: Sorry for the late update; I'm a perfectionist. Therefore, I was editing, deleting, and then rewriting all my scenes. Sorry again.

FYI: The prologue and Chapter 2 will be rewritten and updated soon due to plot holes in the story.

Also side note: there's a character name Anya in this book; there's no relations. *


The school of The Honorable Educators of Scholars is located deep within the evergreen forest on a hundred acres of once abandon land. It is close to impossible to find if you don't know where to look. In addition, it is so well protected, no human or supernatural threat could ever stumble across it.

The large campus consisted of six Greek Revival architectural style buildings, forming a perfect square with a courtyard in the middle. The first building, which is the closest to the entrance, is called the 'Main' building. It houses the auditorium, the healing chambers, the guidance counselor offices, and the offices of the Dean of Students and the Headmaster, Phil.

The second building, directly next to the 'Main' was deemed the 'Rec'. It contains the gym, the sports center, and any hands-on activity that allows us to blow off some steam. It became, almost like, a second home to me when I first started attending classes at this school. It was and still is the only place that I can let out my anger and frustration and it will remain standing once I'm done.

The third building, the House of Persephone or Kore for short, is located vertically between the 'Rec' and the fourth building. The Kore is used by us, Gods and Goddesses, to strengthen our skills and powers. It was magically enhanced to suit the needs of each and every God who enters.

When I enter, I see rooms filled with music sheets, instruments, and science equipment.

Hermes, however, has rooms filled with books in different languages and maps of the universes. He told me once that on occasions when he enters the Kore, he sees human souls wandering the halls. One of his many jobs on Earth is to be the main psychopomp, aka The Angel of Death, for humanity but he denies such responsibility. I'm definitely glad I can't see into his Kore.

The fourth building, built horizontally above Kore, is the 'House of Poseidon' only because it houses the pool. Phil thought he was doing such a great deed by naming the pool in honor of the great Poseidon, but I thought Phil was being a huge dick. Poseidon is forbidden from leaving the ocean. Therefore, unable to walk the Earth like the rest of us, and he decides to name a chlorine filled tub after him. Absolute dick.

The fifth building is the biggest building of them all. It stands next to the 'House of Poseidon' and is called the 'House of Hades'. I guess Phil wanted to keep the theme going, he really should have known better. We, meaning the students and maybe even some of the teachers, call it 'Hell'. You know since Hades' home is literally located in the underworld, aka Hell. I swear, Phil is all brawns and no brains. 'Hell consist of classrooms and lecture halls; I guess the name is the perfect fit.

The six and final building, built vertically between 'Hell' and the 'Main' is the cafeteria or 'Café' for short. As its name states, it is where we all go to eat and mostly hang out. It has food from all around the world, a coffee shop, a juice bar, and rooms to use to just hang out. I also spend a lot of my time here.

The courtyard, in the middle of the perfect square, has a giant pointless engraving of the school's insignia in the center of it and benches to encourage us to go outside more. Behind 'Poseidon' and 'Hell' is a huge field. It's where the constantly positive and absolutely annoying Gods, like fucking Eros, the God of love and attraction, goes to frolic and run.

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