Ch.25 True Powers Unleashed

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I woke up to hear metal screeching against the floor. I groaned and rolled over to have my face meet the hard floor. I groaned again.

"Someone's not a morning person, huh?"

It hit me as soon as I heard his voice. I wasn't at home but in a cell. I was kidnapped. I quickly searched my pockets to find nothing. Great, they took my phone, the only way to contact my friends. I glared at him and straightened myself up. I grumbled as I rubbed my aching head. He just chuckled, getting a glare from me.

"What are you here for anyway Troy, and this freaking early in the morning too?" I asked irritated.

He walked to the bed and sat down. I saw he had a tray as he set in front of me on the floor.

"Figured you'd want some food," he said.

I stared at the food suspiciously. "What did you do to it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Nothing. It's just leftover bacon and eggs. The milk is just milk too."

I still glared at it. "I refuse to eat it," I stated crossing my arms over my chest.Then my stomach started to growl. I slouched a little and felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Troy burst out laughing. "Your stomach says otherwise."

I sighed in defeat and took a bite of eggs. Surprisingly it tasted good. Soon I was scarfing it down. I took the last bite and went to drink the milk.

"See, I did nothing to it."

I turned and glared at him. "Why are you still here?"

"I do live and work here, why wouldn't I be here?" he asked mockingly as he laid on my bed.

I rolled my eyes and set my empty cup on the tray. "I meant in my cell, and my bed. I have personal space too, you should treat your guests with more respect."

"Guest? You look more like a prisoner in your cell with your old, hard bed," he shot back.

That shut me up fast and I just stared at my hands. He was right, I'm nothing but a prisoner. I felt tears forming but held them back fast. He seemed to notice and stood up.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'm sorry about my comment." I couldn't answer him, I was too shocked he was actually apologizing to me. He looked down at me and held out his hand. "Come on, the boss wants to see you now."

I nodded and grabbed his hand. He hoisted me up. I brushed myself off from sitting on the floor. He opened the metal door and waited for me to walk through. I stood at the door's entrance and glanced at the two body guards that stood outside the cell. They gave me cold stares. Were they here all night? A cloth was tied over my eyes making me blind. I heard metal clang together.

"Are you going to behave or do I need the handcuffs?" Troy asked. He shook them so I could hear them.

"I would put them on her either way," the guard on my right huffed. Well he obviously doesn't like me.

"Don't talk to her like she's your pet. She's human too," the guard to my left stated.

I heard Troy pout. "Go ahead and put them on me so you feel better," I said. He put on the handcuffs without a word. He gripped my arm and led me through the halls. I felt like a criminal going to his execution.

I could hear other people scurrying down the halls, others in a hurry, and whispers as we walked by. A couple of times I almost stumbled but I caught myself. When I thought we weren't ever going to reach our destination, Troy suddenly stopped and yanked off my blindfold. We were face to face with huge metal double doors.

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