Chapter 11: Operation: Goodbye Hell: Part 1

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Mercy's POV

We reached Vanak's location and I gotta say, impressive Fortress he got here. Unfortunately for me, Support won't be coming for another 20 mins cause they have to run some errands. No matter, I walk through the abnormally quite base, I am expecting to be ambushed, attack directly or at the very least attempt to trap me, but I didn't happen, yet, as I was greeted by Deag Vanak Himself:

Deag Vanak: Greetings Challenge one, welcome to what it will be your doom. If you disturb the procession, then you'll be the one who shall bring down Heaven's Wrath upon the world you called, home.

Mercy: Vanak, You have to stop this! This is Madness!


Soon demons came out of holding cells and started to attack me. A Mancubus shot me with just cannons, I side stepped it to avoid the hit and turn my attention to a lone Prowler, or so I thought. I dashed towards him and held him at arms length. Then all the sudden a group of them started going towards me. I don't know what to do, so I double dashed a way and use my new 'Meat Hook' and hook to a nearby Revenant and kill it. I took out my guns and started shooting at the demons. I began to put the pressure on now 5 Mancubi, 2 are Cyber variant. I killed 1 Mancubus and a Cyber-Mancubus and look to see 4 Arachnatrons, that would make Arachnid Proud, trying to flank me. I defeated all of them and then now I am being pursued by a Pain Elemental. *Thought: Man these guys are relentless* I try to put pressure of the Super heavy demon, but I turned to check my surroundings and saw 4 Mancubi, 4 Arachnatrons, 7 Revenants and a bunch of fodder enemies including the Motherfricking Archvile. I turn to look at the Archvile, meat hook it, and try to kill it as fast as possible. These guys are a pain in the ass, I can tell you that.

I saw the remaining demons and now chainsaw the fodders to get ammo, and take out the remaining demons. After the encounter was over, there were only the weak unwilling left and it only tickle when they hit me. I stormed in the base blasting and killing any demons in my way till I reached a room, it was a grand room then Vanak started speaking:

Vanak: I think you would appreciate the sentry I chose. *Mercy's thought: What sentry* The great Argadon Hunters from the Talos realm * Mercy's thought: the Talos realm?*, Though long thought to be extinct, created to hunt only the Slayer during the Unholy crusade. *Mercy's thought: wow, these guys are going to be tough though* some improves to the design have been made. Enjoy what is undoubtedly my Finest work. I called it "The Doom Hunters".

Doom hunter: Intruder detected *roars*

Well this is a tough one. I can't imagine how close to death I was in certain situations with it. I did manage to kill it, but 2 more came out and worst of all, more demons showed up. After that, I was so exhausted, but I manage to track down Deag Vanak and pinned him down. He said that Cybertron will be consume, even when they're dead. My hesitancy into killing him meant his demons killed more of Cybertron. I stuck my blade in his heart, killing him. Before I left, I made a proper burial ground for him. He was a good friend and an old one for sure, I remembered seeing him as this optimistic sentinel inventor he would be remembered. I say my respects and I left.

The Slayer's POV

I've reached Varg's Location with no backup. Perfect. At least I get to do this personally. The demons tried to swarm me, but being the one who has stopped hell for years to come, I had no trouble with these demons. I reached the first floor with is comprised of 6 Mancubus, half of which is a Cyber variant, 8 Arachnatrons, an Archvile, couple of barons, a Tyrant and a bunch of fodder. I wasted no time at all, killing the Archvile first so I won't have to deal with same demons again. I used the chainsaw to get ammo on an imp. Target the Arachnatrons, killing all of them. I like to do the barons, but since the Tyrant is putting the pressure on me, I went of him instead. After defeating the Tyrant, I threw his body into the Barons knocking some and Injuring others. I got the corpse and it exploded, killing the nearby barons. I killed the last few and made my way to the lower floors.

Demon Slaying after demon Slaying, floor after floor, I manage to get to Deag Varg's Room. I was greeted, but not by Varg:

?: You were never one of us. *Walking* you were nothing, but a usurper. *Activates argent axe* My eyes has been opened, let help you to see, Slayer.

Slayer: I came for Deag Varg Marauder.

Marauder: If you were to get to him, you have to get past me.

The Marauder is a demon, you do not want to mess with. I began anticipating his movements until I strike. His eyes flashed green; Shotgun him then a ballista. I dodged his swing multiple times throughout this fight and side stepped his shotgun. Eventually I manage to take him out before bursting into Varg's room. I saw him, rushed at him, hold him by the neck as it starts to pull away, all the while he says his final words:

Varg: My soul will be guarded, you can't do this *chokes* you'll go back to your old ways and die with torment. I am imm...

Then I pull his head out of his body. I left a coin on him, reminding those that if this were to happen again, well they won't be living any more. I Return Into the base as they were discussing plans for the next phase on Operation: Goodbye Hell.

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