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c h a p t e r - f o u r

"What's your name?" Ten looked away, waiting for you to answer.

You nervously scratched your head. "Lee Y/N."

"Y/N.." He pulled out his hand for a handshake, showing his friendly smile. "Nice meeting you."

"Yeah. Me too."

Suddenly, you wished that you were both fighting aside from being this quiet. It feels weird, even more that you're not that good at socializing especially with new people.

You averted your attention outside. The rain finally calmed down. The thunders disappeared and there were some patches in the clouds where the sunlight seeps.

"Anyway," Ten blurted out. You gave him an unidentified look in your face. He titled his head in amusement, having fun to see how anxious you are.

You groaned and sit up properly. "W-What are you g-gonna say?" And now, you're even stuttering.

Ten released a hearty chuckle. "I'm just gonna ask where should we drop you. The rain finally calm down."

"You can drop me in the next bus stop." You mumbled. There's no way you'll tell where exactly you live.

Ten raised his brow while still smiling. "I mean your house's adress--"

"Ugh! Don't ask and just drop me at the next bus stop! I live there, okay? I live there and its none of your business!" You ranted. Ten watched you, enjoying. He even rested his chin in his palm and signalled you to go on with an amused expression. You groaned and rolled your eyes. "I'm a beggar with no house so just leave me where I told you."

"A beggar? A pretty beggar?" He immediately dodged your upcoming hand to slap his arms. Ten released a laugh, seemed to be satisfied in everything he do. "That's weird. There's no beggars allowed in the next bus sto--"

"Ugh. Just drop me there." You had enough of it, unexpectedly being comfortable into the man's car. You had a bad morning and you're not sure how would everything be fine in the evening.

"Fine, fine. You looked like you'll kick me in this car even if I own it." Well, you will do what he said, if he doesn't stop. Fortunately, Ten isn't grinning or looking at you. He turned outside the window and pulled the window down. The sun will soon rise once again behind the dark, rainy clouds. He relieves a sigh. "The one with weather control likes to play with every people's life."

"Yeah, you're right." You unconsciously answered, looking outside as well. While watching some raindrops race, you immediately turned to Ten. "Wait.. You know things about that too?"

Ten smirked. "Who doesn't?"

"Everyone in my school rarely care about stories like that. No one would even care to read the information," You then shrugged to yourself. "I think I'm the only one that reads the informational book about them though. So I suppose you're reading books like that too?"

"You're a special girl for appreciating such things then." Ten looked away, pulling his hand out of the window. "I don't read those books. I'm the one inside them."


"That was a joke." He laughed which made you roll your eyes, not finding it funny for a good laugh.

You finally arrived at the next stop, sighing in relief when you finally got to leave out of the car. Ten rolled his window and smiled at you which you returned with a bow.

"Thank you for the ride." You mumbled.

"You're welcome, pretty beggar." His chuckled echoed while his car drive away.

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