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c h a p t e r - t w e n t y t w o

You stayed at their working place for the past few days. Jungwoo claimed that he'll just lay beside you since you insisted back then that you're comfortable with him.

Which leaves you slightly panicked since you only said that as an excuse to make him stay because he needs his brothers.

But you get used to it anyway. You unknowingly slept earlier with their voices every night either arguing, singing, or even teasing you.

You can't help but to be comfortable with them. No matter how awkward you appear to them, they always try their best to contradict it so it wouldn't be an awkward thing for the both of you. They try to make you focus on them instead than to remember the hunters who's before you.

They refused to let you talk to any of the Beginners since they don't trust them. The place was slightly destroyed but was fixed just after a few days.

"The mansion has been moved," Taeyong smiled while watching you peacefully eat some cake. "We can get back on there tomorrow."

"Thanks," You awkwardly look around at the empty place. "But you don't have to push everyone away in this cafeteria just so I can eat alo--"

"Shh, I did what I did." He crossed his arms proudly and leaned his back on the seat beside you.

Yup, he literally asked everyone to go out, even the staffs, and only leave the both of you.

It's Lee Taeyong who owns the place so who are they to disagree anyway?

"Aren't you excited we'll be getting back at the mansion? It must've be uncomfortable here, right?" Asked Taeyong.

"Anywhere with anyone is uncomfortable." You joked but Taeyong didn't actually like it judging by the way his faint smile disappeared which made you apologetically smiled. "Kidding..?"

"Not a good joke." He huffed.

"By the way, can't we visit my father?" You asked, gulping on the iced tea beside.

"Where-- Oh." He cutely covered his mouth when he remembered what you were talking to. "Sure. Do you want to visit him now?"

"Is that possible?"

"Anything you want." He flirtartiously smiled which made you shove him a large cut of cake. He grimaced while chewing the soft dessert. "Thanks, I guess."

"I'm getting changed then." You excitedly said and rushed outside.

Taeyong didn't even got to remind you to finish your food since you were too excited to even care. He plastered a nice smile and glanced at the path you just walked away.

"She must've really want to see her father's grave, but she couldn't.. because she's with us. I wonder what's the plan of the realm letting her meet us though," Taeyong looked above the gray clouds that indicates the rain is about to fall. "But I'm not complaining anyway."

"Tsh," Taeyong jolted in his seat when Taeil suddenly teleported infront of him. "You hate her because she arrived in our life and destroyed your inner peace, right?"

"Well, when did I even say that I want to see her in this place." Taeyong debated, putting up a disgusted expression.

Taeil snatched the fork from the guy and took a slice on the cake. "You just did, idiot."

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