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c h a p t e r - t h i r t y e i g h t

Your eyes widened. "What?"

Taeyong just asked you who you are;

what does that supposed to mean?

"Taeyong," Johnny warned in a serious voice before looking at you and smiling reassuringly. "Don't mind him."

"Y-You must be in stress." Donghyuck immediately came to the rescue to change the topic. "Let's play with Mark!"

"Good idea!" Mark chimed in. "Let's play!"

You shook your head. "I'm not in the mo-"

"The first one not to join the game will be the It!" Donghyuck cheered. "Oh no, Mark? Y/N will be the It, what should we do then?"

"Let's run!" They both suddenly blasted away while you stood in silence.

You brushed your hair up in irritation. "You asked for this."

Without any words, you run towards their direction with a grunt.

As soon as you disappeared, Johnny grabbed Taeyong in his collar causing everyone to crowd the two guys. The place was quiet enough to hear their heavy panting that are filled with tension.

"What the hell did you just asked Y/N?" Johnny shook in anger, his eyes can even kill in one glance if someone manage to make eye contact. "She's suffering from the amount of knowledge she knows, now you're gonna ask her that?!"

"Woah, woah! Here we go again!" Taeil exclaimed. Jungwoo and Jaehyun quickly collided to hold back Johnny.

Thankfully, Taeyong isn't budging. This will be a complete war if ever he did.

He calmly removed the Super Strength's grip on him. "I'm sorry for my actions."

With those words, Johnny's tensed muscles calm down. Jungwoo and Jaehyun soon let go when they noticed the softness visible in Johnny's orbs. He sighed and patted Taeyong's shoulder.


"I.. I just need to think things thoroughly." Taeyong muttered lowly before leaving everyone's sight.

He went straight at his room and locked it, making sure no one tries to check out how he's feeling. He dropped himself in the bed and released a muffled frustrated groan.

His hands balled into a fist. The fact that he holds the ability of fire makes it more dangerous when his mind is clouded.

After hours of burying himself on the bed, Taeyong went outside to have some fresh air since being in his room doesn't help one bit. He didn't know what happened for hours but his too tired to care at this moment.

He went to get himself some cold water and looked outside the balcony. The first thing that he heard is your laughter from below.

His gaze anxiously stared into your figure who's having fun with Mark and Donghyuck. Taeyong tightened his grip on the railings.

Why does everyone wants you to disappear?

How can you read other words from The Guide Book?

How can you pass through the boundary the Great Queen has made?

There must be something about you, and it kills him that he doesn't know what it is. He's scared, to be honest.

He's scared that just like the others, he'll ended up needing to kill you.

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