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y'all this is the complete chapter i am so sorry i am annoyed for a while because i really skipped schoolworks for this PLUS yall waited that long. (4 days again :( )
wut is happening with the publish thing nowadays🤦‍♀️ anyway, enjoy reading!

c h a p t e r - f i f t y t w o

Your heart pounded heavily the more you get closer to the venue. Soon, the lights from the place can be seen. You can feel the voices from the crowds and something inside you keep on palpitating.

The driver gently stopped the car as a series of crowds all whispered with each other.

You worriedly turned around and gave signals to the driver how uncomfortable you are.

He bowed his head lowly. "Donghyuck-ssi should be here in a few minutes. Calm down for he will escort you inside."

You frowned, clutching tightly at the phone. It stopped beeping around ten minutes before you arrive here, meaning that Donghyuck is no longer texting.

In the middle of your uncontrollable thoughts that keep piling and piling, there was a soft knock from the outside. Your eyes widened and a minute of being frozen washed upon you, already knowing it's Donghyuck because of that weird instinct of yours where you can sense if any of the guys are near.

The driver finally said it, "He's here now."

You slowly looked up with shaking pupils. Your view infront felt like a sunshine ray hitting on your face. Donghyuck is just standing outside but he is literally shining.

The way he's hair finally shows his forehead makes it ten thousand better. His tan skin glows with the lights that reflects in his soft cheeks. His beautiful body frame was emphasized with the help of his suit.

You can't keep your eyes off him while you slowly get off the car, while him on the other side feels the same towards you. The annoying and cheeky smirk he always have finally disappeared for once.

He prepared his hand infront of you and bowed his head, visibly shaking and you find it extremely adorable.

Your nervousness all went away when you finally got to stand beside him. He grabbed your hands softly and wrapped it in his arms.

Donghyuck breathed heavily and finally took the lead, the brown carpet seemingly too long for anyone.. "Careful. You might slip."

You grinned. "I'm not a baby."

"You are my baby," Donghyuck chuckled as silent as he could. "Oh, you can't slap me in my back because people are watching."

Your face literally dropped from excited to done. He quickly raised his other hand and smiled cutely with a peace sign, and you have no choice but to just forgive him about that.

You slightly flinched when a light sparkled on your eyes. You batted your eyelids fastly then turned to see the person who took a picture but there was no longer in there.

You leaned close to Donghyuck, "Wait.. are these humans?"

He chuckled. "Yeah. Mortals are curious what's with the sudden feast here."

Your heartbeat quickened. A human took a picture of you, what if people from your school recognized you.

You were about to tell Donghyuck about it but he spoke first. "Hey. I have something to tell you and you have to listen carefully."

"What is it?" You decided to hear out his words first because Donghyuck looked sincere once again.

"Once we get inside the door, everyone is already there. I want you to stay calm and keep close to us. They are all gonna watch you and they will all know your face because you're the last one who arriv-"

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