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c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n

"Sicheng hyung! Come join us!" Mark called the mentioned guy who's just chilling near the pool.

He simply looked at Mark and ignored him.

Donghyuck scoffed. "Y/N is joining! She said she'll just eat."

"Really?" Sicheng sat upright and threw his legs off, wearing the soft flipflops below. "What's the game?"

"Ooh~ Nice move there." Mark giggled, pulling table closer to the chairs.

They are currently near the pool, sitting at the stool comfortably. Mark pulled a table infront wherein they can lay their game.

"Oh. We're gonna play the Sleeping Doggo." Sicheng cutely smiled.

"By the way hyung, do you have a crush at her? It seems like it." Donghyuck mumbled, gesturing Mark to put the toy up.

"I don't. I just found her adorable." Sicheng grinned.

"How about you?" Mark started, earning a scowl from Donghyuck. "Do you have a crush at her? You always tease her."

"I don't! I just like to see her granny face and all!" Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "How about you? Do you have a crush at her? You just let her enter your room without your shirt on."

"Yah! That was because of you!" Mark spat bitterly, throwing the box towards Donghyuck who chuckled devilishly.

"Hmm, are we gonna play here?" Your voice joined the conversation making them turned instant silence.

"Yeah, we wouldn't be here if we're not gonna play in this place." Donghyuck sarcastically said.

You stood there, shocked after hearing a sarcastic remark from him.

That was your title. Being sarcastic. And he just took it away.

"Taeil hyung told me that they will shop clothes later, you'll join them." Sicheng moved a little so you can have a seat.

Your eyes widened while looking at him. "Are we gonna teleport repeatedly?"

"I don't think so. Taeil hyung will bring his car for sure." Mark reassured. He then clapped his hand. "Well, now that everyone is here, we should start the game!"

"We know the consequenc- except for Sicheng hyung. Well.." Donghyuck pouted his lips, pointing at the pool infront.

"What about that?" Sicheng innocently looked at the pool ahead.

"You'll be soaked if you lose." You tiredly said, not agreeing about the consequence.

"Wait! I'm not wearing swimwear!" Sicheng complained then suddenly pointed at you. "If she gets wet, she doesn't have extra clothes!"

"I'll let her borrow my clothes. If she lose." Mark then turned to Donghyuck who's already having fun even if it hasn't started yet. "And anyone who cheat will be thrown as well, yeah?"

"Don't look at me. I'm not a cheater." Donghyuck sassily said. "Okay now! Ladies first!"

Your head shot up at Donghyuck and glared. "That's unfair! We should do some pick thingy on who will go first! Don't you agree?" You looked back at forth from Mark and Sicheng.

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