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c h a p t e r - t h i r t y s e v e n

"Yuta.. you are getting awfully close. C-Can you move away a little more?" You scooted back until a wall finally hit your head. "Yuta-"

"Tch." He tilted his head like a puppy before frowning. Yuta suddenly went back on his seat and crossed his arms like a kid. "If that's what you want."

You batted your eyelids in disbelief.

This guy was literally growling a few seconds ago, how can he act like a child now?

You hesitantly poked his arms. "Are you for real now?"

Yuta ignored you and just rolled his eyes, a little more playful, which made you crack a slight smile.

He actually looks cute doing it and you prefer him being like this; instead of being a flirt whole day.

The both of you were disturbed when your phone started ringing.

You raised your brow curiously to checked who will possibly call you now but before you could even peek, Yuta suddenly threw his arms and grabbed on your phone.

"Yah! Yuta!" You yelled. Yuta simply pushed you by his palm to cover your mouth before answering the ringing phone. "Yuto, gove mo tho phone!"

"Shh." He demanded and put the call into loud speaker. "Yes? Why are you calling Y/N at this hour, Mr. Jung's son?"

Your eyes widened and fought to have the phone back once again but of course, you wouldn't win over this masculine man.

[Uhh.. who's this?]

"Just tell what you're about to say." Yuta scoffed in annoyance.

[Uhm, okay?] You growled in defeat. You surely will be embarassed about this because you're the one who asked the favor yet Yuta's acting like a brat. You can tell his suspecting what's happening in the other line. [Like I'm about to say.. I've got some more information about Y/N's mother.]

The both of you came to a stop. You stop wriggling underneath his hands while Yuta, gladly, let go of you upon hearing the mention of your parents. He turned serious and let you have your phone, now understanding that it's an important matter.

[It says here that Mrs. Lee was left alone after her husband decided to take his own child away, and when everyone was focused about Lee Y/N being lost, that's when she lost her breath.] Sadness went in your direction like a rock being hit. Yuta immediately noticed it and gave you a pat above your head. [That's why this case is still a mystery since my father had told me that they checked the CCTVs and no one went to visit her at that time.]

You nodded in disappointment. "I understand if the intruder remains unknown."

You know them already anyway, you just need proof to take them down.

"Thank you for the information sir, Y/N needs to sleep now." Yuta politely said before ending the call.

You hastily grabbed your phone and frowned to see that he really hang up.


"Will you sleep now or will I need to control you to sleep?" He seriously asked.

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