chapter three

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A few hours later Tulisa and Fazer are lying in bed. Tulisa looks up at Fazer and smiles sweetly. "I love you Faze." She whispers. Fazer smiles back. "I love you too T." He replies. They suddenly hear the front door open. "Shit!" Fazer mumbles while quickly pulling his jeans on. Tulisa quickly grabs her underwear and pulls it on before pulling one of Fazer's tops on. Fazer sits back down on the bed and puts his arm around Tulisa just as his mum walks in. "You two alright?" She asks. Fazer nods his head and smiles. "Yeah just chilling mum." He replies. "Ok, well I'm going out tonight with some friends so you will have to feed yourself." His mum says. "Can T stay tonight then since your going out?" Fazer asks. "I suppose, if its alright with her mum." His mum replies. "Ok, thanks mum." He says and his mum leaves. Fazer turns to face Tulisa. "So do you wanna stay again tonight?" He asks. Tulisa nods her head and smiles. "Yeah that would be good!" She replies. Fazer wraps his arm round her tighter and pulls her in close to him. She places her left arm on his chest and as she does so Fazer notices cuts on her wrist. "Babe what's this?" He asks. She quickly pulls her arm away. "Oh its nothing." She replies looking away from him. "Babe come on, its not nothing. I'm not stupid!" He says. A small tear falls down Tulisa's cheek as she turns to face Fazer. "Babe, you can tell me anything you know that don't you?" He asks as she faces him. She nods her head as more tears begin to fall. "I've been cutting myself, self harming I suppose you'd call it. I've been doing it for months. Its my way of coping." She says quietly. Fazer pulls her onto his knee and wraps his arms around her tightly, he leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Babe you should have spoke to me. I'm here for you. I don't want you to be hurting yourself." He says. Tulisa leans against Fazer and starts sobbing into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She cries repeatedly. "Baby you've got nothing to be sorry for." Fazer says softly while rubbing her back. "I should have spoke to you, I shouldn't of been so weak!" Tulisa cries. Fazer lifts her head up and looks into her eyes. "Baby you aren't weak. You've just got to the point where you can't take anymore and need help. Well do you know what your help is right here. Because I am gonna be here ever step of the way." Fazer says. Tulisa smiles slightly and cuddles into Fazer. "Why don't you go for a little sleep babe, then we can watch a movie?" Fazer says. Tulisa nods her head. "Yeah I might do." She replies.

Tulisa's been sleeping for a few hours cuddled into his chest when Fazer gets a text from Dappy.

From Dappy :

You up for coming out tonight?

Fazer looks down at Tulisa who's eyes are slightly swollen from all the crying she done. Then replies to Dappy's text.

To Dappy :

Nah I'll settle for a night in with T

From Dappy :

Well hasn't she got you trained well. Passing up on a night out to be with her for the 2nd day in a row!

To Dappy :

I love her Daps I really do. I'd do anything for her.

From Dappy :

I know you do, which is why I have no worries about you dating her :)

Fazer smiles at the text and puts his phone down next to his bed before pulling the cover up over him and Tulisa.

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