Chapter Six.

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The next week passes in a blur of tears for Dappy and Tulisa. The funeral is the hardest thing they've ever experienced. But they get through it together. Tulisa acts strong when she's around Dappy then breaks down when she's with Fazer.

On a late Monday morning Tulisa and Dappy are sitting on the sofa watching tv. Dappy turns to face Tulisa. "Thanks T, you know I mean it. Thank you for everything." He says. "Its alright Daps." She replies. "Seriously though I couldn't of got through it without you." Dappy says. Tulisa hugs Dappy and places her head on his shoulder. "T, I know you and Faze are under a lot of stress with the babies and stuff. But I want you to know that I'm always here no matter what." He says. Tulisa looks up at him and smiles. "Thank you Dappy." She replies. "No problem infact hold on." He says letting go of her and standing up. He walks upstairs and comes back down with an envelope. He hands it to Tulisa. "This is for you. Dad had started putting money by for the both of us. Its not a lot but I'm sure it should be enough to buy some clothes or something for the babies." Dappy says smiling. A tear falls down Tulisa's cheek and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dappy." She says. "Don't thank me, my dad wanted to make sure you were alright." Dappy replies. Tulisa feels her phone vibrating in her pocket, she pulls it out her pocket and answers it. "Hello babe... Yeah I'm still at Dappy's... Hold on I'll ask him." She says turning to face Dappy. "Daps can Faze come over for a little bit please." She asks. Dappy who nods his head. "Of course." He replies. Tulisa smiles then continues her conversation on the phone. "Yeah you can come over... Okay see you soon." She says and hangs up before putting it back in her pocket. "Dappy will you come baby shopping with me and Fazer?" She asks. "Are you sure you want me there. Is it not something that should be just you and Faze." Dappy replies. Tulisa shakes her head. "Nope I want you to be there." She says. Dappy smiles and nods his head. "Then I'll come with you." He replies. Tulisa smiles and hugs Dappy. They sit for about 15 minutes before Fazer arrives then go out shopping for the babies. "Hello can I help you?" The shop assistant asks. "Erm I'm having triplets and I'm just looking for some stuff." Tulisa replies. "Triplets oh wow congrats. So cots you can buy 3 or start off with the one and have the 3 babies in there together or you can have 3 moses baskets. Its completely up to you." The shop assistant says. Tulisa looks at Fazer. "What do you think?" She asks. "I don't know. I think for space and money wise one cot would be so much better but if you want to have 3 we'll get 3." He replies. "Why don't you get 1 cot just now then if you decide you want 3 you can come back and buy them?" Dappy asks. "Yeah that's a good idea, will we do that." Tulisa says turning to Fazer. He nods his head. "Okay well if you'd like to follow me this way I'll show you the cots." The shop assistant says. They follow her and she shows them all the cots they have. Tulisa spots a white one with 'Hush little baby don't you cry' printed on the side. "That one I want that one!" She says pointing at it. "That's £365 or £200 as a deposit and we'll keep it for you." The shop assistant replies. Tulisa looks at Fazer who nods his head. "We've got enough. If that's what you want then that's what we'll get." He says. Tulisa squeals and wraps her arms around Fazer's neck. "Thank you!" She says smiling. "No problem babe." He replies. "Is there anything else yous would like to look at?" The shop assistant asks. "Can we look at prams." Fazer says. The shop assistant nods her head and leads them over to the prams. "We don't have any triple prams in, we don't tend to get them in. But what you do is order one in. Or you could purchase a double pram and a baby sling." The assistant says. "I want a pram where I can face the babies when I'm pushing them." Tulisa replies. The assistant nods her head. "We have double travel systems like this one." She says pointing to a pram behind Fazer. Tulisa turns around to look at the pram. Its black and has two carseats fitted in it. "The carseats come out for easy transfer from car to pram." The assistant says. "I like that." Tulisa says smiling. Fazer nods his head. "Yeah I like that aswell." He replies. "How much is it?" Tulisa asks. "Its £400, you can put £200 down as a deposit and we'll keep it for you." The assistant says. Tulisa nods her head and looks at Fazer. "We don't have enough today babe." Fazer replies. "How much have yous got?" Dappy asks. "Erm after paying the deposit on the cot we've got £175 left." Fazer replies. "Here, I've got £25 yous can have." Dappy says going in his pocket and pulling out money. "Don't be silly Dappy, we'll just get it another day." Tulisa replies. "Nah take it Faze, put the deposit down on both of them then that's the cot and pram sorted isn't it." He says. Fazer looks at Tulisa then back at Dappy. "Are you sure mate?" He asks. "Of course I am. Here." He says pushing the money into Fazer's hand. Fazer pays the deposit on both the cot and pram. They then get the bus back to Dappy's where Tulisa stays again.

6 weeks later Tulisa has moved back home and bought a lot more things for the babies. She has a ultrasound where she is able to find out the sex of the babies if she wants but Fazer isn't too keen on finding out although Tulisa wants to.

She's sitting on her bed rubbing her bump when Fazer walks in. "Babe I've found us a flat. We can go see it after the scan if you want?" He says. "Faze I thought we agreed. We were just gonna stay here. We can't afford rent." She replies. "Babe for this flat we don't have to pay rent. Its my uncles. He's moved in with my auntie and has that 2 bedroom flat which he doesn't use. He said we can live there rent free. We just need to pay our own bills obviously." He says sitting down next to her. "Oh okay. I guess that would be good then. We need to go now." She replies. Fazer helps her up off the bed and they go get the bus to the hospital. After sitting for about 10 minutes they get called in. Tulisa lies down on the bed and pulls her top up over her bump. The nurse sits down and begins to do the scan. "Baby two is a tiny bit smaller than the other two babies. Which is quite normal in multiple pregnancies." The nurse says. Tulisa nods her head and the nurse turns to face her. "Would you like to find out the sex of the babies today?" The nurse asks. Tulisa looks at Fazer who nods his head at her. "Yes please." She replies. "Well baby one is a little girl, baby two is another little girl and baby three is a little boy." The nurse says. Tulisa looks at Fazer and smiles. The nurse gives them some pictures and they go back to Fazer's. "What are we gonna name them?" Fazer asks as Tulisa lies on the sofa with her head on his knee. "I don't know, I quite like Lucas." Tulisa replies. "Lucas is cute yeah, middle name though?" He asks. "James maybe?" Tulisa replies. "Lucas James Contostavlos. That sounds good." Fazer says smiling. "So what about the girls?" Fazer asks. "I don't know can we think later babe I'm really tired." Tulisa replies. "Of course. Why don't you go for a little sleep then we'll go see the flat." Fazer says. Tulisa nods her head. "Yeah I'll do that." She replies. She falls asleep.

A few hours later she has woke up and they're at the flat. Tulisa doesn't know that Fazer's been decorating. When they get there Fazer covers her eyes. "Right babe I'm gonna guide you to a certain room." He says and they begin walking. He guides her into the babies nursery. Once he gets her inside her uncovers her eyes. She looks around in shock. "Wow Faze this is amazing. Who done this?" She asks. "I did." Fazer replies. Looking around again Tulisa smiles, the walls are cream and brown just like she wanted. The cot is placed against the back wall and above the cot this quote 'First we had each other, then we had yous. Now we have everything.' Tulisa turns around and hugs Fazer. "Thank you Fazey." She says. "Anything for you babe!" He replies.

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