Chapter One

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Looking out the window Tulisa sees Fazer walking up the street. He looks up at the window and waves to her. She quickly grabs her jacket and walks into the hall. "Mum I'm leaving now." She shouts. "Ok bye." Her mum replys. She walks out the door and meets Fazer as she's walking downstairs. "Heey Faze..." She says wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hello gorgeous." He replys kissing her forehead. "Where's Dappy?" She asks resting her head against his chest. "He's not coming in today. Said something about being sick I don't know." Fazer replys. "Oh well guess we need to walk to school on our own today." She says grabbing onto his hand. He smiles at Tulisa and they start walking to school. Once they get to school Fazer lets go of Tulisa's hand and quickly kisses her forehead. "I'll get you at break babe yeah?" He asks. Tulisa nods her head and smiles. "Yeah. I'll see you at break." She replys then walks away. Tulisa's first class is double maths. Maths is possibly one of her worst subjects. For a start she didn't understand it plus there was the little matter that she sat next to Sophie. Sophie and Tulisa didn't get on at all. Sophie hated Tulisa from the minute she arrived at the school. Sophie also didn't like the fact that Tulisa was dating Fazer. It is a well known fact that Sophie is crazy about Fazer but it is also a well known fact that Tulisa is Fazer's number one girl and Sophie hated that. The whole double period was spent with snidey little comments from Sophie. Including a couple about how Fazer was way too good for Tulisa and he was only with her because he felt sorry for her. Tulisa knows she shouldn't let it get to her but for some reason she does and it hurts her. By the end of the double period she's close to tears. As soon as the bell goes she rushes out of the class and along the corridors. She sees Fazer standing and rushes over to him. "Hey whats happened?" He asks wrapping his arms around her. "I've had enough I'm going home." She replys. "Babe whats happened, you were so happy this morning now your in tears?" Fazer says. "I don't want to talk about it can you just let me go please so I can go home." Tulisa replys trying to wriggle out of Fazer's grip. "Nope. Not until you tell me whats wrong." Fazer says. Suddenly Tulisa starts crying harder than she was before. "Please Faze just let me go." She says almost inaudible. "Babe I hate seeing you like this. Don't push me away please I want to be here for you." He replys and moves a strand of hair from her face. Tulisa shakes her head and Fazer loosens his grip on her. "I'll phone you later yeah..." She says looking up at Fazer. He wipes her eyes then looks at her. "Come on lets get out of here." He says grabbing onto her hand. "What?" She asks. "Your obviously upset and not wanting to be here. You can't go back home cause your mum is in but my mum is at work so you can come back to mine." He replys. She smiles up at him and holds onto his hand tightly. They quickly walk out the school gates and start walking towards Fazer's house.

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When they reach Fazer's house he opens the door and they go into the living room. He gets him & Tulisa a drink then sits down beside her on the sofa. "Now are you gonna tell me whats wrong?" He asks. Tulisa sighs and looks at him. "It's stupid really but Sophie was just saying some things in maths and I know I shouldn't let her get to me but she does and I just couldn't handle it anymore." She replys. Fazer puts his arm around Tulisa and kisses her forehead. "Babe she ain't got nothing on you. Your the one I want to be with not her not anyone else you." He says. Tulisa smiles and rests her head against him. "I know but some of the stuff she says kinda hurts Faze." She replys. Fazer hugs her tighter. "I know babe I know." He says. They spend the rest of the afternoon just cuddling on the sofa watching tv. At about 3:30pm Fazer's phone starts ringing. He looks down at Tulisa who is fast asleep snuggled into his chest and smiles before answering.

Fazer : Hello?

Dappy : Hey Fazer bud, you home from school yet?

Fazer : Yeah I came home at break Daps.

Dappy : Oh ok. So you not spoke to T since then?

Fazer : Yeah she was the reason I came home. She was upset I didn't want to leave her on her own so I brought her back to mine and made sure she was alright.

Dappy : Oh really. What's up with her?

Fazer : Just that Sophie saying things again.

Dappy : Cool well mind if I come over then?

Fazer : Course not, thought you weren't well but?

Dappy : No I'm fine I just didn't want to come in today

Fazer : Right well yeah come over whenever.

Dappy : Ok, see you in 10.

Fazer hangs up the phone and looks down at Tulisa who is still fast asleep. He places his phone beside him and goes back to watching tv. Within 10 minutes Dappy is knocking at the door. Fazer gently moves Tulisa so she is lying on the sofa and walks over to the front door. He opens the door and Dappy bursts in laughing his head off. "Dappy shush... She's asleep." Fazer says gesturing to Tulisa. "Sorry." Dappy whispers. "Want a drink?" Fazer asks walking into the kitchen. Dappy nods his head and follows Fazer into the kitchen. Fazer gets Dappy a drink then they start talking about the studio and stuff. After about an hour they hear Tulisa mumble something and both walk out into the living room. They see Tulisa's eyes flicker before opening fully. "Fazer?" She whispers as she rubs her eyes. "Yeah." He replys. "Just checking you were still here." She whispers before closing her eyes again. "Look I'm gonna go. I'll speak to you tomorrow. Look after her." Dappy says then quickly leaves the house. Fazer bends down next to the sofa. "Babe I'm gonna move you to my room. You'll be alot comfier. Is that alright?" He asks. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles. "Yeah." She replys standing up. They walk into Fazer's room and she lies down on the bed. "You not gonna lie with me no?" She says. Fazer smiles and lies down on the bed beside her. She puts her head on his chest and he wraps his arm around her. Slowly they both fall asleep.

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When Fazer wakes up its dark outside. He stretches and looks at the time, it's 11:23pm. He gently lifts Tulisa's head of his chest and gets out the bed. He walks into the living room and sees his mum sitting on the sofa. "Oh hi mum." He says picking up his drink from earlier. "Hello. What time did yous two fall asleep at?" She asks. "Ermm well T was asleep out here at about half 2 but then I'd say maybe about 5ish." He replys. "Oh alright. Is Tulisa alright?" She asks concerned. "Yeah she's fine. She was just a bit upset. This girl keeps saying things to her but she's fine." Fazer replys. "Ok well I've phoned Anne and she agreed that its best she stays here tonight so we don't have to wake her up and she doesn't have to go home at this time." His mum says. "Oh ok." Fazer replys and sits down next to his mum. Minutes later Tulisa comes walking out the bedroom yawning. She sees Fazer's mum and blushes slightly. "Hello Tulisa." His mum says. "Hi." Tulisa replys quietly. "You'll be staying here tonight if thats alright. I've phoned your mum and spoke to her. She's fine with it." She says. Tulisa nods her head and smiles. "That would be great thanks." She replys. "Ok well I'm going to head to bed. Fazer make Tulisa something to eat." His mum says then goes off to bed. Tulisa sits down on the sofa next to Fazer and snuggles into him. "What do you want to eat babe?" He asks. "Got any bread I'd really like toast." Tulisa replys smiling. "Toast it is then." Fazer says and stands up he goes into the kitchen and makes Tulisa a few slices of toast before bring it out to her. Once she's ate it they snuggle up on the sofa and watch some movies before going to bed.

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