Chapter Fourteen.

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About an hour later Fazer looks down at Tulisa who is still fast asleep cuddled into his chest. He gently moves her over and gets out of bed. He walks downstairs and grabs his jacket before putting his shoes on and leaving to pick up the kids. He gets to his mums and all three kids are fast asleep. "How are you going to get them home?" His mum asks. "Can I leave the single buggy here and I'll pick it up tomorrow?" He replies. "Of course, so who you gonna carry." She asks. "I'll carry Lucas. He's most likely to wake up before we get home anyway." He replies. "Okay, well I'll see you when I see you." His mum says. Fazer balances Lucas on his hip and pushes the double buggy outside. He gets on the bus and goes home.

When he gets back home he walks into the house and sees Tulisa sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea. "Hello." She says standing up and taking Lucas from Fazer. She carries him into the bedroom and lays him down in his bed. Fazer follows her with Bailey and Peyton then they go back into the living. "You feeling better babe?" Fazer asks sitting down and pulling Tulisa onto his knee. "Not really." She replies cuddling into him. "Aww, why don't you go back to bed then. I'll make us something to eat later." Fazer says but Tulisa shakes her head. "No, I'm fine. Its just I don't know I'm not convinced that I'm not pregnant." She says. "But the test." Fazer replies. "I know the test was negative but I don't know. I feel pregnant. I might be wrong and it might just be a bug but I don't know. I might test again in the morning." She says. "Well you know your body better than anyone." He replies. Tulisa yawns and rubs her eyes. "Right you! Let's go to bed." Fazer says picking her up. He carries her into the bedroom and lies down on the bed with her covering them both with the cover. She cuddles into him and falls asleep almost straight away.

The next day Fazer wakes up and Tulisa isn't beside him. He gets out of bed and walks into the living room to find a note lying on the living room table. He picks it up  and begins to read it. 'Faze, just gone to get a test. I'll be back in like 5 minutes. T x' He smiles and puts the note back down on the table before walking into the kids bedroom. He sees Lucas sitting up in his bed and picks him up. "Hello buddy!" He says. "Daddy!" Lucas shouts. "Lets go get breaky yeah." Fazer says. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Lucas replies. He carries him into the kitchen and sits him in his highchair. "Where mummy?" Lucas asks. "She's at the shops buddy. She'll be home soon." He replies making Lucas some porridge. He sits down beside him and begins to feed him. When he's finished eating he wipes his face and lifts him out the highchair before placing him in the playpen. He walks back into the kids bedroom and gets Bailey and Peyton up before feeding them some porridge aswell. He sits them in the playpen and puts some toys in for them to play with while he gets dressed. He comes back fully dressed 15 minutes later. He goes into the kitchen and makes them up bottles. Before going back into the living room and giving each of them a bottle and sitting them on the sofa beside him. About 15 minutes later Tulisa comes walking through the door. "Hey babe!" Fazer says looking over the sofa at her. "Hello." She replies leaning over and kissing him. "Hey cheeky monkeys." Tulisa says kissing each of the kids head. "Did you get a test?" He asks. "Yep, I'm gonna go do it just now." She replies walking into the bathroom. She comes back out 5 minutes later. "Well what can I say. I told you I was pregnant." She says sitting down beside him. "Oh. How are we gonna make this work T. We've got one year old triplets and a 2 bedroom flat. We cant have another baby. We just can't not right now." Fazer says panicking and standing up. "Faze, we'll make it work." Tulisa replies. "Oh fuck sake. Our triplets are 1 year old. We are 17 years old. We're too young to have another baby." Fazer shouts before walking out the front door and slamming it. Peyton starts crying and Tulisa picks her up. "Shh baby..." She whispers rocking her back and forth. Peyton settles down and Tulisa sits on the sofa with her on her knee.

The whole day passes and Fazer still isn't home. Tulisa has bathed all three kids and put them to bed and is now sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea. Her phone vibrates and she picks it up.

From Fazer :

T, I need you help x

To Fazer :

Why whats wrong? xx

From Fazer :

I've been attacked, I can't walk x

To Fazer :

Right, where are you? I'll get a taxi to you x

From Fazer :

The little alleyway beside the shop x

To Fazer :

Okay, gimme like 10 minutes and I'll get there xx

Tulisa phones a taxi and straps Bailey and Peyton into their carseats before lifting Lucas up and balancing him on her hip. "Where we going mummy?" He mumbles sleepily. "Shh baby, we're going to get daddy, go back to sleep baby." She replies carrying him and the carseats outside. The taxi pulls up and Tulisa gets in and tells him where they're going. When she gets there she sees Fazer sitting against the wall with blood pouring out his leg. "Can you help me get him in the car please. We need to get him to the hospital?" She asks the taxi driver. "Of course." He replies. They get Fazer into the car and Tulisa hugs him tightly. "We're gonna get you to the hospital baby." She says as the driver begins to drive again. They get to the hospital about 15 minutes later and the taxi driver gets a wheelchair and 2 nurses. The nurses help Tulisa into the hospital with Fazer and the kids. "Can you wait in the waiting room whilst we deal with your boyfriend?" The nurse asks. Tulisa nods her head and sits down with Lucas cuddled up on her knee fast asleep.

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